Chapter 22

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(A/N: Old readers: This chapter has been rewritten to make the story make more sense later on.)

When we got to his apartment Ryder took off his leather jacket and threw it over the back of the couch, leaving him in a white tee shirt which clung to his muscles deliciously.

"Molly," He sighed, before sitting down and I joined him on the couch, "She was an ex-girlfriend."

"Is that it?"

"No.. listen Mackenzie." He said and I nodded, "she also used to date your brother before me... One day, I took her to the the fight club for some dumb reason. I won a fight against this guy who hadn't been a fan of me or the group ever since we had joined the fight club. Anyway, he got really pissed because I had just won $10,000 off of him. Molly didn't come into school for a few days after. She didn't answer my texts or calls. Her house was broken into and she was taken by that asshole until I gave his money back. His name was Piz. They didn't do anything to her, thank god but they messed her up real bad - mentally - that she didn't want anything to do with me or anyone in this town anymore so she moved out of the state. Apparently she killed herself shortly after moving states but they were just rumors. Your brother was in love with her before she dated me. It was all my fault that she got taken."

I saw him snap out of his trance before looking at me.

"I didn't want to pull you into my life... that's why I had to tell you to stay away from me.. and why you can't tell anyone about us."

"I'm so sorry Ryder." I whisper, my voice almost breaking. I honestly felt sorry for him and my brother. It all added up - my brother's excessive drinking, drug intake and the girls staying round. He was trying to get over Molly... And he hated Ryder because he thinks it's his fault.

"Ryder?" I say quietly and he looks at me again.


"It's not your fault."

"It is, princess."

"No. It's not." I moved a bit closer to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged back just as tight.

"I just don't want you to get hurt and it be my fault."

"I won't get hurt, Ryder."

"You don't know that."

I sigh knowing that he's probably right so I just kiss his cheek gently and hug him some more.

"Hey.." Ryder starts after a few minutes of silence, "do you maybe want to go see a movie?"

"Like right now?" I raise an eyebrow at his nervousness.

"Yeah..." He avoids eye contact.

"Is it a date?" I sing, with a smile forming on my lips.

"Let's go." He says, standing up pulling me with him.

Once we got to the movie theater, Ryder choses some superhero movie and we got two large popcorn's and cokes.

"I've never watched a superhero movie before." I tell Ryder as we wait for the man to give us our drinks.

"So you're telling me that you've never seen Spiderman?" Ryder turns to face me.


"Oh come on.. I'm sure you have. You have an older brother." He looked shocked with his facial expression turned into a frown.

"Nope." I shrug once again, thanking the man for our drinks before we walk off.


"OH yeah I've seen Batman but can you really count him as a superhero? He doesn't really have any superpowers."

"Yeah but he saves people from the joker.. I'd count him as a superhero. He's a hero and he's super."

Just as I laugh at him, I spot Emmitt and Lindsay sat at the back of the theater making out. Ryder notices and finds a seat near the aisle. Luckily they don't notice us and Ryder swings his arm round my shoulders once he put his drink in a cup holder.

I look up at him and give him a small smile before the movie slowly begins and the lights start to dim.


Ryder hadn't arrived at school 2 days since he dropped me home after that date. He gave me a small kiss before driving off, leaving me smiling like a stupid schoolgirl.

"Hey guys.. where's Ryder?" I asked everyone at lunch and they all shrugged.

"What do you mean? You guys are meant to be his friends and you dont know where he is?"

"Chill out Kenzie." Blake laughed along with Brendan. I rolled my eyes before sitting down.

From Zane: Was thinking maybe we should get to know each other. I'll pick you up after school?

To Zane: Sure. As friends.

From Zane: Only friends. ;)

I sighed before locking my phone and shoving it back into my pocket.

After school, Zane was leaning against his car again and this time I got straight into his car.

"In a rush?" He laughs and I smile in return.

"So where are we going?"

"The diner?"

I nod in reply and we drive off, speaking about random things including the party on the way there.

As we walk through the doors Ryder was walking out and he looked at me with worried eyes. He was with a group of weird looking people who had tattoos all up their neck and arms.

"Mackenzie?" He says and I smile.


"And who do we have here Ryder?" One of the guys with piercings all over his face says, patting his back, "is this your girl?"

"What are you doing here?" He asks me, ignoring the guy.

"Well... I'm getting food with my friend." Ryder's gaze goes from me to Zane then back at me. He pulls me to the side away from his friends and Zane.

"That's Piz." He says glancing over to the guy who had the piercings and I swear I felt my stomach churn. "I'm doing some... unfinished work for him."

"Don't do anything stupid... please."

Ryder hesitates for a moment, "I wont." Just as he's about to turn around, I grab his arm and he bumps into me slightly.

I reach up and kiss him softly. He kisses back but only for a second before pulling away, giving me the smallest smile and walking off with the group of men who were now whispering among themselves.


"Zane told me that you bumped into a group of guys at the diner?" Tim says as I walk into the house which smelt like weed.

"Yes I did."

"And did they happen to be Ryder and Brendan?"

"Get over yourself Tim. I know about Molly." I tell him, walking into the kitchen.

"You.. You- You what?" He stuttered, stumbling over to me. His eyes bloodshot.

"Ryder told me."

"And you're still friends with him?" He spat as I poured myself a glass of water.


"He's a murderer." Tim scoffs and I immediately turn around.

"No he is not! Don't call him that!" 

"Why are you sticking up for him?"

"Because I lo- I like him." I stutter. 

"You like him?"

"Yes. He's my friend Tim. Get over it." I shove past him.

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