Chapter 27

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Ryder's POV

As we walked into the Warehouse, Piz was standing waiting for us with his arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his face. "Well well well... look what the cat dragged in." 

"Piz." Lars smirked. 

I threw the black duffel bag onto the floor between where Piz was standing and where we were standing. One of his men known as Josh grabbed it and opened it up, counting the notes.

"They're short of $100,000 boss."

Piz scoffed and shook his head. "Really Lars?" 

"I wanted to give it to you. By hand. Face to face." Lars paused for a second before walking over to Piz. "Let the girl go and I'll give you the money."

Piz let out a disgusting laugh, "You see.. I can't do that."

Tim took a step forward but Zane stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Tim..." Piz scoffed, "baby Tim. Have you come to save your little sister? Just like you saved Molly? Oh wait... you didn't save her did you? Nope. She's dead because of you." Piz turned to face me, "or is she dead because of you?"

Piz really did know how to get under my skin and using Molly as a weapon was one of them. 

"She was a good fuck," Piz shrugged, "she was beautiful aswell."

Tim lunged forward and punched Piz in the jaw causing his men to swarm towards us.

Josh came towards me and shoved me but I didn't push back. "Come on now." He continued to push me.

"You know I'll beat the shit out of you so you may as well give up now." I tell him, shoving him back.

All of a sudden I saw red and I was beating Josh up until he was limp.

"OI BOSS" Someone burst through the doors, making everyone stop suddenly. "THE GIRL IS GONE."

Me, Brendan and Axel looked at each other before Tim and Zane ran out of the Warehouse.

"Ryder. You go, I can take care of this." Lars said to me. I hesitated for a second but I didn't want to let Kenzie go. Not like how I let Molly go.

Kenzie's POV

I looked behind me after taking a few short turns - going through alley ways and shops. I had lost them but I was stuck in an alleyway not knowing what to do. I paused to breathe for a second and to stretch out my unused muscles.

After catching  my breath I walked out to the road to see where I was. Luckily, I was close enough to home that I didn't need to hitch hike. I felt extremely lonely and confused. It was as if there was a storm going on inside my head and everything was cloudy.

It was hard to run and cry at the same time but I couldn't help but let out the endless stream of tears.

I walked for about 15 minutes until I reached a bench that I could sit on, it was facing a beautiful view of a few fields which looked orange in the evening sunset.

I continued to run the rest of the way, wanting to get home as soon as possible.

When I arrived, there was a girl stood on the porch on her phone. She had beautiful long blonde hair which were curled neatly.

"Hey, are you ok?" She asked me as I walked up to her. I must've looked like absolute shit because I felt the tears on my face.

"Who are you?" I asked her, trying to catch my breath. Grabbing the spare key from under the gnome.

"I'm Molly."

Ryder's POV

When we got outside, all of our faces were bloodied, Tim's more than mine because he fought Piz.

"So she like... ran?" Axel asked looking confused.

"She's a smart girl, she'd know where to go." Zane said and I scoffed.

"Like you know her." I spit and he takes a step towards me but Tim extends his hand and pulls Zane back.

"We'll go look around town." Brendan says, "Come on Ryder. Let's go, it's getting late."

He was right. I didn't want to waste my time on one of Tim's lame friends, especially if he thought he knew Mackenzie like I did.

I glared at Zane once more before heading towards my car. "Has she got her phone?" 

"No, it's  in my car."

"What's it doing in your car?" I snap at Brendan and he furrows his eyebrows together.

"I'll tell you later. Let's just go."

We searched through the town, looking in alleyways, shops and parks. Tim said he was going to check at his house. "Let's just go to Mackenzie's house, she'll be there." I tell Brendan and Axel through the car phone - we split up to make finding Kenzie easier but my mind was too foggy to focus.

"Ok." I heard Axel on the phone before I hung up. I was driving so fast that If police saw me I would've been given a ticket for speeding and reckless driving but I didn't give a shit, I just kept driving until I reached Kenzie's house.

I knocked on the door impatiently. And there she was. She had puffy eyes and her hair was thrown up into a messy bun.

"Mackenzie," I whispered, taking a step forward but just as I did, she took a step back and her eyes started to fill with tears. "I'm so sorry." I told her quietly just as a tear rolled down her cheek but she wiped it away and shook her head before looking to her right.

I was so confused, still looking at her. I looked at where she was looking and the wind was knocked out of me as I saw who it was.


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