Chapter 29

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"Molly?" Ryder repeated himself, still stood in the same spot.

"Ryder." Molly nodded with a small smile before Brendan and Axel ran up the porch behind Ryder.

"Mackenzie." Brendan said, "I am so sorry." He turned to look where Ryder was looking and saw Molly before looking at me then at Ryder then back at me.

Axel also looked confused at the situation that we were in until he saw Molly and by then his jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

Omniscient (third-person)

As Axel shut the front door behind him, Mackenzie walked off down the hallway towards the stairs. Ryder switched his gaze from Molly and followed Kenzie.

"Mackenzie," Ryder said after her as she continued up the stairs. "Please speak to me."

"Like you spoke to me  in that... that place?" She snapped back and Ryder was taken aback slightly before shaking it off.

"Piz would've hurt you if I told him that you and me were involved with eachother. I had to stay quiet."

"I can't trust you anymore Ryder." Mackenzie told him as she opened her closet and started throwing clothes into a bag - tears streaming down her face.

"What are you doing?" He asked her softly.

"I'm leaving. Leaving this town."

"You don't need too Mackenzie... Piz is being sorted out. Please don't leave." He took a step towards her.

"How do you know that Ryder? How do you know that he's not going to hurt me?"

"Because I'll make sure of it." He begged.

"Like you made sure that I was safe when you left me."

"You can't pile this all up on me Mackenzie! I was minding my own business just like you should've been."

"What?! You're really going to blame this on me?" She scoffed, throwing more things into her bag aggressively. "I was starting to think that you liked me."


"No, you do not get to have a say in this. You could've at least texted me back so I didn't have to worry about you and go and speak to that man in the Diner."

"Fuck sake Mackenzie," Ryder brushed a hand through his hair.

"Then you act like I'm some worthless piece of shit when I'm thrown to the floor by some tattooed old man. You didn't even come and save me." 

"I did try Mackenzie. Ask Brendan or Tim." His voice was now lower than usual.

Mackenzie continued to throw things about in her closet whilst mumbling things under her breath.

"Kenzie... calm down."

"Calm. Down." She spun around on her heel to face Ryder who stayed still. "Calm down? Are you fucking kidding me Ryder? You drag me into your fucking shit and you tell me to Calm. Down." She screamed - her voice strained as she failed to hold back a few tears.


"Don't even say my name right now." She spat, shoving him slightly.

"I get why you're angry but please just calm down."

"Shut up Ryder!" She hit his chest, bursting into tears. Ryder caught her wrists and pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her. She tried to struggle away at first but he persisted and she calmed down in his arms. Letting all her emotions out - her hands balled into fists between them.

Ryder rubbed Mackenzie's back in circles which managed to soothe the internal ache she felt inside. No matter how much she hated Ryder at this moment in time, his presence seemed to make her feel safe.

Somehow they both ended up on her bed, her head on his chest as he played with her hair. She was fast asleep and as much as he wanted to fall asleep aswell... he just couldn't.

He felt guilty and angry. Just as his thoughts trailed off, he remembered Molly. Ryder slowly got out of Kenzie's hug and draped a fluffy blanket over her before turning the light out and heading off downstairs.

(A/N Currently writing short chapters at the moment just because it builds suspense - not that anything exciting is going to happen <.<)

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