Chapter 7

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I had gym for 6th period before the end of the day and I couldn't help but get distracted by Ryder in his basketball Jersey. I noticed Jeremiah sitting on the sub bench whilst Blake and Axel were passing the basketball to each other.

"Kenzie, are you playing or what?" Cheryl says and she bounces the volleyball.

"Um.. one sec. Start without me." I say, walking over to the side of the gym where all the guys were.

"Hey." I say to Jeremiah and he gives me a tight lipped smile. "Why aren't you playing with the others?"

"Well Brendan is usually my bench buddy but he decided to ditch me for the gym and I'm not that good at sport anyway."

He was a lot skinnier than the other guys and was definitely more sensible.

"Jeremiah! You're up." Blake shouted and Jeremiah hesitantly walked up to his team members.

After watching the guys play for a while, I noticed that Jeremiah would get made fun of if he didn't catch the ball.

I had it when some red headed dude pushed him over and laughed.

"What the fuck!" I screamed, running over to the tall guy.

"Hey babe." He said to me and I cringed.

"Why did you do that?" I scream in his face as Jeremiah stands up and stands next to me.

"Push him over?" He said with a laugh. "I could nudge him and he would fall. What point are you trying to make babe?"

"Don't call me that you freak. I could easily beat your ass right here right now."

"I'd like to see you try." He scoffed and my knee collided with his sensitive parts. His friends hissed as if they felt his pain.

"You bitch." He spat, wincing slightly as he fell to the floor.

I smiled before turning to face Jeremiah who had a big grin on his face.

"Thank you." He said with a big smile. "But I was about to handle myself."

"Yeah sure." I say sarcastically with humour laced in my voice.

I turn and see Ryder with a smirk on his face before Jeremiah and I turn to walk back to the sub bench.

"Mackenzie Thomson!" The coach yelled and I let out a sigh before walking over to my death.


Turns out I was let off with a warning as it was 'self defence' but if I do that again I will get a detention. But it was worth it.

Brendan had drove me home, talking about how the news that I kicked that guy in the balls spread around school like wildfire, before excitedly driving off to get ready for tonight's party.

"Tim!" I shout up the stairs. After not getting a reply, I run upstairs and knock on his door.

"What!?" He practically shouts.

"Can you give me a ride to a party tonight?"

"Is it Lindsay's party?" He opens the door.

"No..." I trail off.

"Who's party is it then?"

"Brendan Nielsen's party."

"You're not going."

"I am going."

"No. You are not."

"You owe me remember... TWICE."

He sighs before brushing his hand through his scruffy hair.

"Fine... But you have to be ready by 8, I'm not waiting around for you."

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I say before going off to my bedroom.


I decided to wear a black bandeau dress with some basic black strappy heels.

"I'm ready." I tell Tim and he nods.

When I arrive at the party I spot Ella getting out of a car at the front and I catch up to her.

"Hey, you look nice." I smile at her and she thanks me.

When we get inside, there are people already drunk and dancing. The house was massive and I'm pretty sure it was bigger than mine. I spot Brendan by the drinks table and a walk over to him.

"Hey." He says first and he gives me a big grin. It was obvious that he was already drunk but I just ignored it and took the shot he passed me. "You look hot tonight." He winks and I laugh at his playful tone.

"Where's Ryder and everybody else?" I ask him as he passes me a red cup full of what I think was coke and vodka.

"They had a basketball competition but they'll be back soon." He said in a rubbish accent.

"You're such a nerd."

"A hot nerd." He winked before I downed half of my drink, feeling the liquid burn down my throat.

"I'm gonna go say hi to a few friends. I'll be back." I nodded before he disappeared through the crowd and I was left on my own.

"Hi Kenzie!" A girl I had never seen before said to me drunkenly, "I love your dress."

"Thank you," I give her a genuine smile, "I like your outfit too." I lied, she was wearing a denim dress with frilly sleeves and glittery leggings.

"Thank you so much." She looked like she was about to cry so I gave a nervous laugh.

"I should.. head off now." I tell her and she thanks me again.

"Well that was weird." I mutter to myself.

"What was weird?" Someone said and I looked up to see Emmitt.

"None of your concern."

"But baby, it is. I still love you Mackenzie."

"Should've thought of that before you went sleeping around with my best friend."

"Please forgive me." He says quietly but just loud enough for me to hear him over the music.

"No Emmitt, I'm not going to forgive you."

"Baby.." He starts walking towards me but as I back away, I bump into a wall.

"Emmitt, leave me alone."

I could smell the liquor in his breath as he leans down. A hand reaches up and lands beside my head. I'm trapped. He leans down again and this time his lips ghost over mine before I turn my head. I could feel his lips collide with my jaw and move down to my neck.

"Get off of me!" I scream but it's not loud enough over the music.

"You know you like it baby." He mumbles in my ear, nibbling it.

"Emmitt! Stop!" I try pushing him off but he won't budge. Just as I was about to kick him where the sun doesn't shine, he is pulled off of me and thrown into the crowd of drunken people.

I look up to see Ryder looking at me... sympathetically?

"Are you okay Princess?" He asks me and I nod. We both look over to see Emmitt leave the house. "What did he do to you?"

"He just tried kissing me.. that's all." His blue eyes were now softer that usual but immediately changed back when Brendan came over.

"Just.. be careful." He says before disappearing into the crowd.

"Are you alright?" Brendan asks me and I nod, taking his drink out of his hand and downing it all.

This night can go two ways. I could go home now or I could drown my sorrows in endless amounts of drinks. The second one sounds good.

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