Chapter 6

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"So what's the plan." I ask Ella whilst we stand by her locker.

"So I'll distract anyone who comes into the changing rooms and you go in, find her gym locker and put itching powder in all of her clothes."

"Okay i've got it." I say as she passes me the black bottle of powder. My smile at each other before going into the changing rooms. Cheer practice was ongoing so Lindsay's stuff was in her gym locker. I poured some of the powder over her clothes and made sure to make it invisible by spreading it about.

"Done." I whisper and we both walk out of the changing rooms, bumping into Axel and Ryder on our way out.

"What are you two up to?" Axel said, pulling Ella in to kiss her forehead.

"Itching powder? Really Princess?" Ryder smiles and I catch a glimpse of his dimples.

I chuck the bottle into the bin before turning to face them again.

"I can't wait to see her suffer." Ella said evily and Axel's eyes widened.

"Woah calm down babe."

I laughed at them before Ella and I walked our separate ways.

"I have History." I tell Ella.

"Me too."

"So does Lindsay." I smirk as we walk into the classroom and sit next to each other at the back of the class.

"CHERYL! YOUR PERFUME IS MAKING ME ITCHY!" We heard Lindsay scream just before she comes into the classroom.

We manage to hold in our laughter and smiles as she looks our way, trying to act normal.

"It's not my fault you have sensitive dry skin Lindsay, you know your mom always tells you to put on lotion."

A few people laughed around the class including Ella and I.

"You." Lindsay said looking in our direction. "You did this, you're going to pay for this."

I put my hands up in surrender.

"I don't know what you're talking about Lindsay. Cheryl is right though, you do get itchy when you don't put on lotion."

Ella snorts with laughter before the teacher walks in and tells everyone to take a seat.

"Nice work." I smile at Ella and she carries on giggling.


I invited Ella round my house for dinner and so she gave me a ride home. It all made sense seeing as we had training at 6.

"So you and Ryder then." She smiled at me as she parked the car in my driveway.

"What about us?" I ask innocently.

"You know what I mean. You blush nearly every time he smiles at you and he calls you princess."

"That's just a stupid nickname and he's a jerk. I'm probably blushing because he makes me so angry."

Ella laughs before we get out of the car.

"Who's this?" My mom asks me as she smiles at Ella.

"This is Ella, she's also on the track team."

"I thought I recognised you! It's nice to meet you Ella."

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs Thomson."

"Please, call me Faye. This is my husband Jonathan."

"Hello Ella it's nice to meet you." My dad smiles at her before looking back down at his work.

"Who do we have here." I hear Tim say from behind us. I turn around to look at him look at Ella up and down.

"She has a boyfriend you perv." I say before pushing past him and gesturing for Ella to follow me upstairs.

"Good looks must run in the family." Ella mumbled as we got into my room.

"Ella sweetie... you have a boyfriend."

"I know stupid." She rolls her eyes before looking round my room. "Damn, you're one rich girl."


"Yeah look at your king sized bed, your massive ass closet and... you have your own bathroom for god sake!"

I laugh at her as she sits down on my bed.

"So.." she starts, "what's it like being the most popular girl in school."

"Well.. Id say Lindsay's the most popular girl in school but it's a bit much sometimes you know... You follow around Lindsay all day whilst she shouts a random people and you never have any privacy when it comes to arguments."

"I can imagine." Ella says with a sigh.

"What's it like not being popular." I smile and Ella laughs slightly.

"It's great. You mind your own business not caring about who's watching you... but your people or your 'ex people' would always judge you. This one time, Lindsay came up to me in the changing rooms and started making fun of my bra size. I was forever known as 'Little Miss no tits'"

"Wait... you're Little Miss no tits?!"

Lindsay would always talk about a girl who had no boobs but I never knew who it was. Probably because she knew I would stick up for Ella.

"Damn, I never saw how mean Lindsay actually was." I said, feeling slightly bad.

"Yeah I guess if you're on her end of the stick, she seems nice but when your just an average person, you really get it rough."

She was right. Ever since Lindsay and I stopped being friends, she was extremely crude.

We spent the next hour including dinner, talking about our different high school experiences. She told me that she met Axel at a basketball game where he was playing - Ryder, Axel and Blake played Basketball whilst Brendan and Jeremiah were more into the gym.

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