Chapter 5

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(A/N this is kind of a filler chapter that's why it's so short!)

"Mackenzie meet Ella, Ella meet Mackenzie."  Axel said. I smiled at Ella but she just stared at me.

"Aren't you 1/2 of the cheer bitches."

I laugh slightly at her very true comment.

"She was only a bitch because of Lindsay." Brendan says and I turn to face him.

"You thought I was a bitch?"

"I mean.. Well I just I.. um I don't.."

"Everyone did princess." Ryder said and everyone turned to look at him.

"Oh..." I say.

"But you're not anymore." Jeremiah broke the silence and I gave him a tight lipped smile.

"ANYWAYS!" Blake said, "I think you're really nice... and hot." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

Ella sat opposite me and started a conversation.

"You're on the track team right?" She asked me.

"Yeah I am."

"Same, I'm pretty sure we're doing the relay together."

"Oh really? I didn't realise you were on the track team."

"Damn, I've been on the track team since day 1 of high school. I mean i'm not as fast as you but I'm not slow either."

"We should go on a run one morning."

"Yeah of course." She smiled at me and I was instantly proud of myself for making a new friend.

"Hey Ryder." Lindsay says as she approaches our table and I glance over at him and his expression is neutral.

"I see you've made friends with a freak." She says looking at Ella in disgust. Ella was incredibly pretty and you could tell that she was very sporty. Axel placed a hand on her thigh.

"She's not a freak. If anyone is a freak it's you and your posse of robots." I stick up for my new friend.

"Don't forget Kenzie, you used to be in this 'posse of robots'" She giggled.

"Oh how I miss it." I say sarcastically and she rolls her eyes.

"Anyways I came here to tell you that you need to hand in your pom poms seeing as you don't need them anymore." She twirled a curl of hair round her finger.

"I'll gladly give them back."

"Oh, and your cheer outfit."

I nod before gesturing for her to go away.

"Toodles." She yelled as she walked off and I rolled my eyes.

"Damn, she's such a bitch." Ella said through her teeth

"She's fake as fuck." Brendan says, digging into his food.

"Shes like in love with Ryder." Blake says and we all look at Ryder who just smirks.

"Who isn't?" He says cockily, taking a sip of his water. I watch as he takes a gulp and his Adam's apple bobs up and down then his tongue slides between his two lips.

"I'm not." Ella says and Axel laughs.

"Neither." I quickly look away, afraid that he might've caught me staring.

"Of course you aren't princess."

"I'm not! You're so full of yourself."

"I'm joking." He winks before the bell rings and I give him the death stare.

"So Mackenzie.." Brendan walks beside me and swings an arm round my shoulders, "party at mine on Friday, are you coming?"

"Sure, why not." I reply as we stop by my locker. "Oh and Brendan.. Do you think you could give me a ride home after school? I don't have a car yet."

"Of course," He gives me a toothy smile before we walk off to our next lesson.


"Kenzie!" Ella says walking towards me.

"Hey," I smile, putting my text books back in my locker before I head home.

"So... I was thinking tomorrow when you return your cheer clothes... we could prank Lindsay." She whispers the last bit.

A wide smile spread on my face at the thought and I nod, "what do you have in mind exactly."

"I have yet to decide, I'll text you."

I have her my number and she grinned at me then winked.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She says walking down towards Axel.

When I get to the parking lot, Brendan is leaning against his car, waiting for me.

"Ready?" He asks me and I nod, getting into his car.

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