Chapter 11

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"What do your parents do?" Brendan asked me as we pulled out of the school parking lot.

"My dad's a doctor and my mom works in a computer company." I pause for a second, "They met in high school and fell in love."

"Damn, no wonder why your house is massive." He clears his throat, "Your brother is Tim Thomson?"

"Yeah," I sigh, contemplating whether or not I should tell him about my brother's rules.

Once we got to my house, I invited Brendan in but he said he had to take care of a few things.

"Who dropped you home?" Tim said as I got through the door, making me jump.

"Jesus Timothy!" I shouted at him. "You scared me."

He looked at what I was wearing and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Wilson? Is that Ryder's Jersey?"

fuck fuck fuck fuck

"Um.. yeah Lindsay splashed water on me so he lent me this."

"Right..." He takes in a deep breath "I told you to stay away from him."

"You can't tell me who I can and can't be friends with."

"Yes I can."

"Just stop being annoying for once and leave me alone!" Just as I walk away I pause and turn to look at him, "You may want to freshen up before mom and dad comes home because you stink of weed."

When I got to my room, I changed into a black comfortable shirt before sitting cross legged on my bed.

Ryder's Jersey smelt like him and whatever laundry detergent he used. It was a smell which put my senses into overdrive. What is happening to me?

It had been exactly one week since Emmitt and I broke up and his new relationship with Lindsay was spread all over social media. I kept scrolling through my feed to see a picture of me wearing Ryder's Jersey with the caption 'Bad boy's new girlfriend?'

What a way to stir things up. I knew Emmitt and his friends would not approve on this and especially my brother. If a rumor spread, my brother would soon find out and all hell would be let loose. Ryder could handle himself but I couldn't deal with having to see my ex boyfriend and my brother gang up on my new friends.

I sat on my bed contemplating my decisions before I got a text from an unknown number.

Stay away from him, whore.

I rolled my eyes before closing my heavy eyes.


"Mackenzie! WAKE UP!" I heard beside my head and I moaned, reaching out to hit whoever woke me up. I had just gone on a run and I immediately went back to bed.

"Kenzie! It's me!" I opened my eyes to see Ella at the side of my bed with a coffee in hand and a brown bag in the other.

"I got you a bagel."

"What the hell?"

"Thanks for bringing me breakfast Ella. You're such a good friend!" She mimicked me and I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you." I said getting out of bed and stretching.

"Did you go on a run this morning?" She asked me as she looked down at my clothes.


"Why did you go back to sleep? That's not good for you."

"Because I can." I say, making my bed. She passed me the brown bag and I looked inside to find my favorite bagel of all time.

"Your brother tried hitting on me when I came in." She said, sitting on the end of my bed as I got dressed.

"I'm so sorry about him." I laughed and she joined in.

• ••

"So.. everyone thinks you're dating Ryder now." Ella said as we walked inside of the school building. People were staring as we walked past them - whispering and mumbling to each other.

"Why is that such a big deal?" I say.

"Wait.. so you two are a thing?"

"What? No, I mean why would that be such a big deal?" I pause to take a sip of my drink, "besides, I only wore his Jersey because the wicked bitch of the west poured water over-"

I looked to see my locker with WHORE written in black spray paint. My glance then moved to Brendan leaning on the locker beside it, looking at my reaction. I didn't say anything, I instead looked around me trying to find the culprit. Lindsay.

I needed to find her and ASAP.

I hurried down the corridor, uncapping my coffee as I did - throwing the lid in the trash before going into the girls toilet. And there she was, doing her hair. My perfect opportunity. She saw me through the mirror and smirked but before she could say anything, I slowly poured the coffee on her head, her mouth making an 'o' shape as I did so.

"MY NEW TOP!" She shrieked and I gave her a sarcastic smile before walking out.

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