Chapter 41

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The house was already full of people. Not many people were drunk yet so it wasn't that hectic. I had just thrown on some high waisted ripped jeans and a sweater. I wasn't planning on staying seeing as I felt ill and parties were becoming boring.

"Hey Kenz come here and help me set this up." Tim said, passing me solo cups to put on the table. I set it out for a game of beer pong and people started crowding around. I passed the ping pong ball to one of Tim's friends but someone took it out of his hand and passed it back to me. I looked up to see Ryder looking at me with a cheeky smile.

"Me vs you." He says, nodding towards the table.

"Game on." I say, walking round to the other side.

He throws the first ball and it bounces and lands in the first cup, making Blake and Axel cheer for him. I down the cheap beer all while maintaining eye contact with Ryder who gave me a smug look as he cracked his knuckles. I threw the ping pong ball straight into the middle cup and he also downed it.

We continued getting the ping pong ball into the solo cups until there was one left on each side.

"Prepare to go down." He said, pointing at me competitively. I narrowed my eyes at him with a smirk, cracking my knuckles.

As he throws the ball, it bounces off of the side of the cup and misses making me let out a loud 'ha' as people around us made 'oooo' sounds.

By this time, there were a lot more drunk people in the house and the music had been turned up much louder. I prepared my shot carefully, making sure to take my time - making Ryder let out a restless sigh.

As it bounced in the middle of the table, it landed on the rim of the cup, slightly bouncing once before landing in the last cup on Ryder's side.

"Ayyy!" I screamed, doing a little celebration dance as Ryder shakes his head at me.

"Fuck yes!" Ella screamed, coming up to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into the crowd. "Now it's time to make cocktails." She sang.

We went into the kitchen and Ella started making Sex on the Beaches. Despite being a hotzone for food and water, the kitchen was quiet and the music was muffled when you closed the door.

"Hey." I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Emmitt walking in. He had his hands in his jean pockets and he gave a small smile. Ella glanced up but didn't say anything, she just carried on making the cocktails.

"Hey." I say bluntly, preparing some cups for Ella.

"I just wanted to apologize." He hesitated, leaning against the counter.

"It's cool." I say with a shrug. The air in the room suddenly felt thicker and the awkwardness grew.

"Hey, there you are." Georgia came into the room and clung to Emmitt's side.

"Georgia?" Ella and I said in sync as Emmitt pulls her close to him by her waist.

"Oh.. Um hey.." She says hesitantly, looking slightly scared as she looked at me.

"We need to talk." Ella said, also shocked that one of her best friends was dating Emmitt Bolton, my ex boyfriend. Ella pulled Georgia out of the room by her wrist leaving Emmitt and I alone in the kitchen.

"I can't believe you." I spit.

"I think I love her." He blurts out and my eyes widen.

"You cheated on me and then you cheated on Lindsay. Hell, you might've already cheated on Georgia." My voice straining from trying to yell in a 'quiet' voice.

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