Chapter 42

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I woke up with Ryder spooning me, his arm wrapped around me tightly as his front pressed against my back.

I laid with my eyes closed for a bit before turning around to face Ryder, snuggling into his chest. I think I fell asleep again because when I woke up, Ryder wasn't next to me.

I got out of bed and brushed a hand through my hair to tame it before heading downstairs, taking the empty soda cans down with me.

I see Tim and Ryder talking whilst cleaning and although it looked kinda awkward, they were deep in conversation.

"Hey." I say as I get to the bottom of the stairs and they both turn to look at me and smile before carrying on with whatever they were saying.

Molly was in the kitchen making pancakes and I went to sit at the island.

"So," she started, "Tim and I have something we want to talk about with you."

"What's that?" I ask her as she flips a pancake. Tim walks into the room with a trash bag in his hand which he ties up.

"Molly and I, are going to move out into an apartment together."

"Oh." I say, not really knowing what else to say. Good on them for having their life together I guess.

"The apartment is not far away it's in the city right near to my college so Molly will still be able to go to highschool and finish senior year. It's not far."

"But I don't have a car." I tell him as Molly passes me a plate of pancakes. Tim smiles at me.

"Well, I spoke to mom and dad and they're going to let you get a car, seeing as you've already passed your driving test."

"Cool." I shrug just as Ryder comes strolling in, shirtless with grey sweatpants on which he's probably borrowed from Tim.

"You can come hang out with us. We're not going to abandon you." Molly says, sitting beside me.

"Well, congrats I guess." I tell them.

On Monday, my mom still wasn't home yet and Tim was packing boxes whilst I was getting ready for school. Molly went to her aunt's house on Saturday evening and told me that she would meet me at school.

"Mackenzie." Cheryl came up to me, "have you seen Lindsay?"

"No why?" I ask her, making my way to the cafeteria.

"She isn't in and I haven't heard from her since she went to your brother's college party on Friday. She hasn't been answering my calls or texts and she's gone MIA from social media."

That was weird for Lindsay. Especially because she was always on her phone, even when she was ill. In 10th grade, she had the worst case of the flu and she even managed to post everything on snapchat.

"I'll go round her house tonight." I tell her and she thanks me before walking off to her group.

I went to sit with Ella and Axel who were talking about their date next week. "You and Ryder should come." Axel says, taking a bite of his apple.

"Oh I don't know if Ryder will want to."

"He'll do anything you want to do. Please come it will be so fun."

"But I have to check up on Lindsay tonight."

"She can wait. Please please please Mackenzie." Ella looks at me with doe eyes.

"Fine." I cave in just as Jerry comes and sits next to me. "What are we doing?"

"We're going to see a movie and then we're going to the arcade."

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