Chapter 36

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When we reached Ryder's apartment, he quickly rushed into his bedroom and got a blanket before throwing it over the couch. He then grabbed two bottles of beer from the kitchen. I was confused at first and even more confused when he took my hand and pulled me out of the apartment.

"Where are we going?" I asked nervously and he looked back at me and smiled. We went up a set of stairs before reaching a metal door which looked heavy but Ryder opened it with ease. We ended up on the roof of the apartment building and the view was amazing. Despite it still being sunny, the sun was slowly setting and it couldn't be more beautiful.

Ryder placed the blanket down and we sat down next to each other.

"Did you really know that Jeremiah was gay?" I asked him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, he calls himself a, quote, queen." He says in Jeremiah's voice/

I couldn't help but burst out in laughter, "please don't ever do that again." I between giggles.

Ryder gave me a toothy smile before wrapping an arm around me. 

We sat talking about random things for a while, whilst drinking our beers until the sun started to set.

"Are you going to college?" I asked him and he stayed quiet for a second.

"Yeah... probably." He looked off into the distance and I took this moment to look at his features. His golden skin was accentuated by the sunset lighting and his eyes were brighter. "Stop it," he gave me a dimpled smile.

"Stop what." I nudged him slightly.

"Staring at me." He looked me directly in the eye and I swear I melted there and then.

"I wasn't staring at you." I teased but he poked me in the rib making me squeal and fall back.

"Yes you was." He continued to tickle me, "admit it."

"No," I laughed loudly, making him tickle me even more, "st-stop!" I screamed unable to control my laughter, trying hard to push him away. He was slightly hovering over me as I squirmed under him.

"F-fine I admit it!" I giggled eventually, unable to take anymore tickling and he smiled proudly but I just pouted in defeat. He kissed my lips and I pulled him closer by his shirt.

Our tongues danced as we kissed passionately in the sunset. Now this is something you see in a movie.

Ryder was my ray on sunshine like Molly is Tim's.

"Mackenzie," Ryder said on my lips and I hummed in reply, "do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

I smiled widely and brushed a strand of hair that fell onto his forehead away and connected my lips with his again, pushing him up so I could straddle his lap.

"I take that as a yes?" He said slightly out of breath. I nodded uncontrollably and kissed him again.

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