Chapter 9

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After having a nap I looked at my phone to see a few messages.

From Jeremiah
I need a female for my photography project. Wanna help a guy out?

To Jeremiah
Sure, when?

From Jeremiah
Meet me at the park in 10?

To Jeremiah
See you there.

From Brendan
Wanna talk about last night?

To Brendan
Not really but we're gunna have to at some point.
From Ryder
You left your jacket in my car.

To Ryder
Give it to me at school on Monday?

I sigh after answering all the messages and lock my phone again.

I quickly have a shower before changing into some high waisted jeans and a black vest top.

Tim offered to drive me seeing as he was already going out so I didn't have to walk.

"Hi Kenzie." Jeremiah said as I got out of the car.

"Hey." I reply giving him a big smile.

"So I need you to pose for a few picture by the pond."

After taking the photos, Jeremiah said that he was going to meet Axel and Ella at the diner down the street and that he wanted me to come.

"So I have a confession but I haven't told anyone and I feel like I can trust you.." He pauses as we start walking towards his car.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"I... like boys." He blushes a bit and I smile. "Please don't tell anyone."

"I mean... I cant say I didn't see it coming." I nudged him playfully and he smiled.


"I mean yeah, you're a lot more put together than the rest of the guys and you're by far the nicest."

Jeremiah laughed quietly before swinging and arm round my shoulder.

"I'm glad that someone knows now. It was absolutely killing me!"

"I can imagine."

Once we got into the diner, Ella and Axel were already in a booth.

"Hey guys." Axel said as we sat opposite them.

"Hey love birds."

"So how was it?" Ella said and I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"How was what?" I ask innocently and she smirks.

"You know." She pushed.

"No I don't."

"Come on Kenzie, we know you had sex with Brendan."

"YOU HAD SEX WITH BRENDAN?!" Jeremiah said at the same time as 1 other person as they came into the diner. We all looked to see Blake and Ryder approaching the table.

"No. I. Didn't." I sigh, resting my head on the table. "Where is he anyway?"

"He's on his way."

"Was it good?" Ella said and I gave her a glare.

"Where did you even get that information from?" I ask her.

"Well... I saw you and him making out and then you went into his bedroom and then-"

"Hey guys," Brendan pulled up a chair and sat on the end of the booth. "What are we talking about?"


"You banged Mackenzie Thomson." Blake said sounding slightly amused.

"Don't speak about me like I'm not here."

"You told them!?" Brendan looked at me.

"Of course I didn't!"

"We put the pieces together." Axel said nudging his girlfriend.

"You guys are so lame." I mumble before getting up.

"Where are you going?" Jeremiah asks me.

"To the toilet."

When I come back I see that Ryder is gone and Brendan is sat in his seat.

"Where's Ryder?" I ask, sitting back down.

"He said he had business to take care of." Blake answered and I nodded in reply.

"So guys... about last night," Jeremiah started and I swatted his arm.

"We're just friends." I say and emotion flashes behind Brendan's eyes.

Ella catches on and gives me the 'he thought it was more' look.

Unexpectedly, Brendan gets up and leaves the table, walking out of the diner. I get up as well and run after him.


"What?" He replies.

"I didn't mean to upset you.."

"It's fine.. I get it."

"I've just been through a breakup, Brendan... I don't want to jump into things straight away."

"Should've thought about that before you slept with me."

"You couldn't even remember last night so don't blame it all on me."

He sighs before looking at the passing cars.

"Please can we just forget about it and start over." I say and he nods.

By impulse, I hug him, wrapping my arms round his neck. He hesitates before hugging me back and resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"So... just friends then?" He asks pulling away, I nod in reply. "Friends with benefits?" He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Don't kid yourself." I smile and he pouts. "We'll see." I wink, partly joking, partly not. He looks in shock but at the same time in awe as I walk away from him to go back into the diner.

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