Chapter 24

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"Ryder?" I manage to choke out as the man pushes me aggressively onto the floor. He looked slightly beat up with a bruise on his jaw and a few stitches above his eyebrow. He was sat at a table with a few other people playing some sort of card game.

"Well well well..." Piz laughed, walking up to me, "your girlfriend?" He turned to Ryder who shook his head and glanced down at me before looking down at the table and placing a card down. Piz grabbed my arm and pulled me up to stand next to him.

"So you wouldn't mind if I... took her for a little fun." He laughed horribly and I cringed. I felt as though someone had kicked me right in the guts and I didn't know whether it was my anxiety or the fact that Ryder hadn't seemed bothered that I had just been kidnapped.

"I don't think that's necessary, Piz." Ryder says between his teeth. So he finally decided to speak up.

"So you do mind? She must mean something to you Ryder." Piz laughs and I can smell cigarette smoke radiating off of him as he breathes.

Ryder sighs and looks down at his lap before looking at me then at Piz. "Just let her go, Piz."

Piz pouts sarcastically and tilts his head "But I haven't had any fun yet."

I try to get out of his tight grip but his grin widens, showing his golden tooth among the other decaying ones.

"I'll give her back to you once you've finished our little... agreement."

"Or.." Ryder stands up and I could tell he was getting angrier, "you could let her go now and I'll finish your business today."

I wanted to know what they were talking about but I could only imagine horrible things.

Piz lets out a laugh before tightening his grip on my arm making me wince. "Oh how adorable. Now that you've said that... get the job done by midnight and I'll let her go. If not.." He laughs "I think we all know what will happen."

Ryder sighs quietly, "deal. She has to come unharmed... if you dare lay a hand on her-"

"We get it." Piz laughs and rolls his eyes.

They stand staring at each other for a moment and chills are sent down my spine at how angry Ryder looks.

"Well.. what are you waiting for?" Piz barks but Ryder doesn't flinch unlike me and walks past Piz, bumping into his shoulder purposefully. Ryder only glances at me but emotion flashes in his eyes.

And I'm left behind.

At this point, all of Piz's gang and Piz are looking at me hungrily as I try to pull my arm away.

"Well what are we going to do with you then."

"Nothing. Get off me you creep." I spit which only makes his smile grow. "You're sick."

"Aren't you a feisty one. Take her into the box room." Piz clicks his finger at one of the men and pushes me over to him.

I'm taken to a small room which has nothing in it but some dirty rags and a broom. I'm pushed in and the door slams shut and I hear it being locked from the other side.

I let out a frustrated scream and a few tears fall from my eyes.

For about five minutes I bang on the door, screaming to be let out but no one saves me.

I felt like a prisoner. I was a prisoner.

I pull my hood from my hoody over my head and lean against the two walls in the corner, bringing my knees to my chest and sobbing into them.

I felt like I was in a stupid movie. One where I would get locked up for days on end without food until some stupid action scene happens and I'm saved by the lead role who just happened to be drop dead gorgeous. But no. There was no saving or action.

My phone was in my backpack which was in Brendan's car.




Ryder's POV

I had fucked up again. I knew exactly what Piz and his guys were capable of doing and I didn't want Mackenzie to turn out like Molly.

As I reached my car, I pulled out my personal phone for the first time in a couple of days and saw the endless texts from her.

Where are you?
Are you okay?
Message me Ryder.. please

I miss you.

She missed me? This is exactly what I was afraid of.

My nightmares coming to life once again and it's all my fault.

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