Chapter 3

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"So where are we going?" I ask Brendan as we reach his car.

"You'll see." He says opening the door for me and letting me in.

"Don't take me to a drug den." I say as he gets in the drivers side and I buckle up my seat belt.

"You think I do drugs?" He smiles, obviously amused.

"Well... you never know." I shrug with a smile playing on my lips.

I take a minute to take in Brendan's appearance. He had dirty blonde hair which was styled up neatly. He wore a black shirt much like everyone else in his group and black skinny jeans which were slightly ripped.

"You done staring?" He smirks before pulling into Walmart.

"Walmart? Really?" I laugh.

"No, I'm going to get some snacks, stay right here."

I nod as he gets out of car. When I pull out my phone I see multiple messages from Emmitt.

Please can we talk.

I love you babe.

Ring me please baby girl.

I feel my eyes fill with tears again and I quickly wipe them away. Just as I do so, Emmitt's name flashes on the screen. I contemplate whether I should answer it or not but I do so anyway.


"We need to talk."

"What's there to talk about. You cheated on me." I take in a deep breath, "We're done. Its over." My voice breaks as a sob comes out but I hang up the phone before he could hear me cry.

"Kenzie? Are you okay?" Brendan asks me as he gets in the car.

"No." I sob, not able to hold back my tears. Brendan gets out of the drivers side and walks over to the side I'm sitting. He opens the door and guides me out before pulling me into a hug.

We stood in the parking lot for about 5 minutes before I pulled away and tried to wipe away the tears.

"I'm sorry." I mutter.

"For what?" He says sounding slightly amused.

"Having to see me like this." I quickly turn around but I feel him grip onto my upper arm and pull me to his chest.

"You don't need to say sorry." He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into another hug.


Brendan decided that he wanted to show me the place when I was in a better mood so we decided to go back to mine. Tim was at college and my parents were at work so we had a free house.

When we got into my house I went over to my couch and flopped down onto it earning myself a laugh from Brendan, who sat on the other couch turning the TV on.

"Popcorn?" He asks me, pulling out a bag of ready made popcorn. I shake my head and he shrugs, opening the bag for himself.

I stayed laid down on the couch for while before sitting back up and focussing my attention on the TV screen.

We had spent an hour or so talking and watching the movie before I realised that I had to get back to school.

"I need to go to practice."

"Are you sure you want to go in this state?" Brendan said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Let me just fix up my face." I say getting up and smoothing down my skirt.

When I got upstairs, I quickly wiped the smudged mascara from under my eyes and put on more concealer. My eyes were slightly puffy and red from all the crying but that would go down eventually.

As I was about to leave my room, I noticed a shirt on the floor. It was the one I slept in last night and it happened to be Emmitt's. I picked it up along with a few of his other things and put them in a small box, taking them downstairs with me.

"I'm guessing that's his stuff."

"Yep. Let's go."


When we pulled up at school, some people were piling out, giving me quick glances as I pushed through the crowd.

I saw Emmitt by his locker with a few of his friends and made my way towards them. I saw a girl stood with Emmitt, twirling her hair and I guessed it was Emmitt's new whore-

"Lindsay?" I stop in my tracks.

"Mackenzie! There you are I was just asking the guys if they had seen you."

I furrowed my eyebrows together before shoving the box into Emmitt's chest.

"Enjoy." I said.

"Babe, please can we talk."

"1. Don't babe me, 2. There's nothing to talk about and 3. Stop flirting with my bestfriend." I take Lindsay's arm and pull her down the corridor with me.

"Kenzie, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? You were flirting with my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me."

She rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything as we make our way to the changing rooms. A few of the girls from the cheer team are already in there and come up to me to give me a hug.

"I'm so sorry babe," Cheryl says to me and I hug her back.

"He's such a dick." Someone else says, sounding disgusted.

"I heard that it was Kathy Rogers he made out with." A girl said quietly from the group as Lindsay walked out towards the field.

"I heard it was Lindsay." Someone else muttered. I stopped in my tracks and a few girls stopped behind me.

"What?" I almost shout, turning to face everyone. "Who did you hear that from?"

"It's a rumour going round Kenzie, it's probably not true." Cheryl said and I nodded turning around to walk outside.

I sure as hell hope that it isn't true.

"Okay guys let's get in formation!" Lindsay shouted and we all go into our places, "five six seven eight!"

When it got to Lindsay's lift, her foot slipped out of my hand and she fell.

"What the fuck!" Lindsay shouted at me. "Just because your boyfriend broke up with you, doesn't mean you should take it out on me."

"Broke up with me? I broke up with him!" I cross my arms as I looked down at her.

"Whatever. It's the same thing." She stood up, hissing as she put weight on her sprained ankle. "Who are you going to go running too now? Because I'm kicking you out and you certainly don't have Emmitt to go to." She smirked and turned to face the cheer team who had wide eyes.

"Kicking me out? For what exactly? Being upset that my boyfriend broke up with me?"

"Ex boyfriend," she smiles sarcastically before sighing "let's see how you survive senior year without my help."

I scoff and turn to walk back to the changing rooms.

"Oh and Kenzie," She shouts and I turn around "Emmitt really does have soft, dreamy lips doesn't he?"

That was it, I ran towards her but before I could slap her Cheryl stood between us and gave me a sympathetic smile saying 'i'm sorry.'

"You're the whore who was making out with my boyfriend!" I scream at her.

"He stood you up for me sweetie." She spat.

"You fucking bitch! I knew there was something going on between you two. You're a slut!"

"Better go now. Toodles." Lindsay says with a smirk, turning around and picking up her pom poms.

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