Legolas x reader

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She sat atop the throne like the queen she is, as her (H/C) rolled down her slender shoulders. Her (E/C) eyes watching the throne rooms doors for them to fling open with the guests.

After what seemed like hours the doors finally flung open with such intensity that they slammed against the walls and made the room rattle.

"Presenting Thranduil King of Mirkwood and his son Legolas Thranduilion." A guard shouted his voice echoing around the room.

The queen twitches her fingers her rings of silver, and diamonds rubbing together making a obscure sound as she smiled.

"Welcome Mellon." She said softly. Her purple and lavender robes and gown slightly hanging off the thorns of stone. The echoey halls around them made her voice louder than needed. "Now shall we discuss the...matters at hand?" She asked Thranduil.

(Just so this doesn't get Confusing the woman speaking is your mother and you will be introduced momentarily)

Thranduil nodded and the two walked down the halls of stone and silver to a room of grandeur and luxury. "So your daughter shall marry my son so our kingdoms end their long...bickering?" Thranduil asked so the queen could clarify it.

"It would seem as that is the only way our kingdoms will stop their petty yammering. It is our parents fault for this...war of words." The queen said her fingers grazing over a map on the table.

Back in the throne room a young woman stepped into the throne room not her seeing the prince.

She had (H/C) hair that was (H/L) and (E/C) eyes with (S/C) skin and her body adorned with jewelry behind ones imagination and her robes of black and silver made her (E/C) eyes pop.

"Mothe-oh hello." She said noticing the prince. "Your prince Legolas if I am correct?" She asked softly walking over to him.

"That would be correct and you are princess (Y/N)?" He asked the young woman. She nodded in return and smiled softly at him. "I suppose our parents would be a while in their meeting, would you like to see our archery range? I can see you have a liking in the topic." She asked motioning to his bow on his back.

"That would be welcomed, thank you Princess (Y/N)." Legolas said with a smile that could make any girl weak in the knees. His blonde hair perfect and his crystal blue eyes starring into her (E/C).

"Follow me and please call me (Y/N), no formalities." She said Friendly and she grabbed his hand dragging him around the corridors and winding halls to the archery range that had a wealthy supply of bows and arrows while the targets where set farther away with different distances for each target.

(Y/N) let go of Legolas's hand much to both their dismay. She then grabbed a bow slightly similar to Legolas's and few arrows and then quickly raised her bow and got into a stance yanking a arrow from the quiver placing it on the bow and pulling the string back and releasing it without second thought and it hit dead center in the target.

Legolas starred wide eye. "You clearly have skill in archery." He said softly moving closer to her and she smiled and looked over at him. She started into his eyes, if she should tear her gaze she feared he would disappear. How could she feel so strongly about this elf when she just met him not even an hour ago.

Despite her minds pleads her gut told her that she was in love. And elves could only love once. What she didn't know was Legolas felt the exact same way.

He reached out for her hand which she gently offered to him and he then smiled at her softly. He could sense the way she felt about him and he knew this was love at first sight.

"May I have a dance with the princess?" He asked bowing and taking his hand behind his back and kept holding her hand with his other.

(Y/N) chuckled softly her laugh sounding like an angled song to Legolas and she nodded as he got his answer he stood and wrapped an arm around her waist and the other continued to hold her hand and she laced their fingers together and her other hand went in his shoulder as they danced around to nonexistent music.

Legolas then smirked and tailed her outward then twirls her back in, her back to his chest and her breathing heavy with a sudden spark of excitement and a smile adorning her face. She let out a soft laugh and then she was turned around to face the tall elf.

She smiled up at him and then dipped her down. "Who knew? Legolas could be such a passionate dancer?" She teased as he lifted her back up and grabbed her waist and lifted her off the ground slightly and spun her around then placed her back on her feet.

She smiled and looked back up at him finding only love in his eyes and he only found love in her eyes.

Legolas wrapped an arm around her waist then a hand cupped the back of her neck and he smashed his lips onto her's, his eyes fluttering closed, and he titled his head slightly, and pulled her closer to him.

(Y/N)'s eyes flew open with surprise, and  her heart sped up, then she processed what is happening, and then her eyes closed slowly, and her arms wrapping around his neck. She titled her head, detached one arm from his neck and used that hand to cup his cheek softly.

They finally, much to their dismay, had to pull away for the lack of air. They both looked at each other and their eyes locking. Their lips still mere centimeters from each other and their breathing tickling each other's lips.

"It seems as though our hearts cry for one another and our lips fit like two puzzle pieces. And theirs now lying what we feel for each other." Legolas spoke calmly. Their body's swayed softly together.

(Y/N) smiled. "I over heard my mother speaking about an arranged marriage for us. That seems fine by me.   .   .if you will have me?" She asked suddenly a little unsure.

Legolas chuckled at her sudden unsureness and smiled. He pecked her lips quickly and looked at her. "I would have you and day." He spoke softly and then they kissed once more as their bow and arrows lay long forgotten.

"It seems the arranged marriage will be a fitting solution for the kingdoms and a plus for them." Thranduil spoke from a balcony overlooking the archery range where (Y/N)'s mother stood next to Thranduil. The parents looked down at the couple and smiled pleased with the picture they saw.

"It would even so." (Y/N)'s mother said softly her voice carried way by the wind.

~The end~

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