Lindir x wife!reader pt. 2

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"No don't leave me..." he pleaded and brought your hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on your skin.

"I love you." He said and squeezed your hand gently. He then looked up and saw the healer standing in front of him with your children.

"Lindir, your wife has passed out she had not lost enough blood to die. And you have twins. One girl and one boy." The healer said handing over the children to their ada.

Lindir let out a sigh of relief and felt like a heavy burden be wiped from his heart and his shoulders.

The children looked so much like you in his eyes with your (E/C) orbs and the (H/C) highlights in the little tuff they had.

He could see himself slightly in the majority of hair color and he could see both of you in facial structure.

It was both surreal and amazing to him that you both had created these two tiny elves. He couldn't wait till they could walk and talk. But seeing as they where just born. He wanted to bathe in the moment for a bit.

"Lindir..." a soft hoarse voice came from next to him and he looked over finding you smiling with half lidded eyes. You where very weak and tired currently and your throat was beyond sore from your screams.

"(Y/N)..." he breathed out with relief and moved closer to you so you could see your children. "A girl and a boy." Lindir whispered.

"So (G/N), and (B/N) it is then." You whispered and stroked the top of (G/N)'a head lovingly.
"They look a lot like you love." He whispered and you chuckled.

"They look like both of us." You said and then grabbed (B/N), gently and cradled him in your arms lovingly.


It has been about nine weeks since then and you grew stronger. You hadn't fully recovered yet but you were almost back.

(B/N), and (G/N), had playful spirits and would crawl everywhere they could. Of course you baby proofed your house so none of them found things that could hurt them or do anything to hurt themselves.

You almost thought (G/N) was going to take her first steps but she just fell fast first into the pillow. She looked up and babbled happily and you chuckled. Lindir almost died from a heart attack thinking (G/N) was hurt.

You loved your husband with all your heart and wouldn't trade him for anything. But sometimes he just worried to much.

Both of your children's hair have grown slightly and their eyes where constantly filled with wonder and fascination about everything.

It was now late at night and both of your children where fast asleep in their cribs which where places in the far corners of your room.

You and Lindir where laying in bed, his head on your chest and you had your hands wrapped around his torso while both of you peacefully slept.

Your children only every cried if they needed to be changed, we're hungry, or hurt themselves somehow, So nights where usually very quiet with the exception of a few cries from one of them.

As the sun rose up in the sky and it's golden rays filled your room and the sky started to turn to a pale pink till it faded to a peaceful baby blue.

Lindir learned the hard way to let you sleep in. The last time and only time he woke you up resulted in him having a bruise on his arm and changing duty for a week. Of course you apologized for hitting the cinnamon roll that was your husband and he just kissed you saying it was fine.

Now as the sun's rays hit your face your nose twitched and your eyes fluttered open. The golden ray's from the sun giving your (E/C) orbs a beautiful twinkle.

You looked down and saw Lindir laying on your chest and you smiled. You used your right hand to comb your fingers through his hair. It had a few rays from moving around last night but not to many. You easily undid them without waking him, well you thought you didn't wake him.

"Good morning." He whispered opening one eye to look at you. "Did I wake you Meleth nín?" You asked with a hint of concern in your voice. "No I've been awake. I was just watching you sleep then when you opened your eyes I closed mine so you would play with my hair." He explained and moved up and rubbed his nose against yours.

You leaned up and kissed him lovingly. He returned the kiss with just as much love and used one elbow to keep some of his body weight off of you and used his other hand to cup your cheek.

The world was peaceful and surreal in that moment, the small whimpering of two children bringing you back to reality. You smiled and chuckled pushing the Ellon off of you gently then sitting up and getting out of bed, your nightgown dragging the floor slightly.

You walked over to the crib in the right corner holding, (B/N) and picked him up cradling him in your arms. "Good morning my little one." Your whispered and put one finger in front of him but instead, (B/N) reached for your, (H/C) hair. You giggled as he pulled slightly, not enough to hurt you but you could feel it.

(B/N) looked up at you and babbled at you. "" It was broken and hard to hear slightly but if the babbles where put together he said Nana. You smiled and lifted him up by his underarms and held him to your face booping your nose with his softly.

"Definitely a mamas boy." A voice said behind you and you turned around seeing Lindir holding, (G/N) and you smiled. "And that means once he can walk and talk we're are going to prank you every chance we get." You smirked and you could see Lindir pale. You where ruthless when it came to pranks and having a little helper would only make it worse.

If, (B/N) was anything like his mama it would be the end for the poor Ellon. But he loved you and your children so he would endure every second of the pranks.

"Yep my big happy family. My little ones and my sassy wife." He said smiling.

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