Thorin x wolf!reader

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The dwarves where running across a huge piece of land hiding from orcs as the brown wizard, Radagast was leading them away.

That was until the dwarves had been smelt by the orcs and they started riding their wargs towards the dwarves.

Thorin looked at Gandalf for help for even this great leader didn't know what to do at the moment.

Gandalf looked around and saw a small moth and whispered something into its ear and then it flew away.

"We run for as long as your stubby legs can carry you." Gandalf said and then they started running.

Meanwhile the moth was flapping its small wings as fast as possible to a den of creatures.

The moth flew into the cave and on to the leader of the groups snout.

"(Y/N) Gandalf needs your help!" It squeaked in a small voice then flew away.

The leader stood up stretching her magenta, purple, and rustic spines on her back with her DreamCatcher rattling and the golden jewelry dangling off of them swaying with her movements and her golden, magenta, and dark purple fur ruffling as she walked out of the den.

"UP!" She barked loudly alerting her pack members as she explained what was going on they started walking out of the forest with haste and then turned into a sprint their spikes jewelry and other accessories not even bothered by their harsh movements

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"UP!" She barked loudly alerting her pack members as she explained what was going on they started walking out of the forest with haste and then turned into a sprint their spikes jewelry and other accessories not even bothered by their harsh movements.

The dwarves where cornered now between a ravine and orcs

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The dwarves where cornered now between a ravine and orcs.

"GANDALF!" Thorin Shouted at the old wizard who was simply watching the forest with a gaze that couldn't and wouldn't be broken.

A loud howl erupted from the forest and the most beautiful creatures stepped out of the forest capturing even the orcs attention.

The leader froze upon seeing the orcs and wargs. The others didn't and charged into battle fighting orcs and wargs with strength tenfold the wargs and orcs.

The leader wasn't frozen in fear she was just in shock as seeing someone she hoped she would never see again.


He smirked and slowly turned to the leader and walked slowly towards her. The leader in her wolf form stood at Azog's ribs.

"Azog..." she growled lowly walking slowly towards him with such a gaze that even Thorin would cower.

"Well well we'll...if it isn't (Y/N) the wolf queen." He barked a laugh.

"Enough with formalities. I will rip that Steele from your arm and reopen those scars of old my mother gave you oh so long ago." (Y/N) growled.

A light of silver erupted and then a woman stood there. She had a obsidian sword and then she wasted no time in charging at Azog slicing open a scar then again till all his scars where bleeding.

She stopped in front of him and he whispered ever so softly. "Your reign is over." He said pulling out his sword and then went to strike her but she stabbed her sword through his chest before he could. "My reign has only just begun." She whispered then kicked him off her sword and then looked at Gandalf and walked towards him.

"Long time no see brother." She said smirking at Gandalf.

No (Y/N) was not biologically Gandalf's brother but she was adopted.

The dwarves where shocked from the wolves and the leader changing forms it's self but now knowing this woman was Gandalf's sister made the shock go up tenfold.

"Your Gandalf's sister!?" Cried one of the dwarves which we later find out is fili.

"Yes I am. But not biologically I'm his adopted sister." She explained then her eyes locked with the leader of the company. Thorin.

She reluctantly tore her gaze and then started turning back to her wolf form and leading her pack home.

"Wait!" Thorin called. "Would you like to join our company?" He asked.

That shocked everyone.

"You want an Elven skinchanger in your company?" She asked and Thorin nodded.

She looked back at her pack and nodded as they walked away. She walked over to Thorin and bowed. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N) at your service." She said and straightened back up.

The dwarves, Gandalf, and (Y/N) all made there way to Rivendell where Elrond welcomes them warmly.

Later that night (Y/N) stood on a balcony that over looked Rivendell. A waterfall cascaded down the stone that was a foundation for Rivendell in a way and the trees and valleys of Rivendell where breathtaking.

"(Y/N)..." spoke a soft voice from behind her and she turned around and saw Thorin. She motioned him forward and smiled softly at him. "I wanted to thank you and your troops for saving us back in the meadow." He said resting his hands on the balcony railing.

"It was no problem. We needed to stretch our legs anyway." She said softly and found herself starring at the dwarf as he stared back. She subconsciously reached for his hand which he gave graciously to her and then Thorin smiled up at her the height definitely not bother either of them since (Y/N) was very short for an elf and skinchanger.

"Let me show you to your room?" He asked softly and she nodded and let him guide her to her room and once they arrived she turned around and smiled at Thorin and bent down kissing his forehead making both of them blush.

"Thank you." She said softly and before she could leave he grabbed her arm and twirled her back to him and pinned her to the door and cracked his lips onto hers and his hands found her hips and she was so taken back she didn't react for a solid 30 seconds.

She slowly closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately.

He reluctantly pulled away and looked into her eyes. "How could I have fallen for a skinchanger? A Elven skinchanger nonetheless?" He asked aloud his eyes drawing to her lips once more then back to her eyes. "I don't know Thorin. You tell me." She whispered back.

"If you would have this lowly dwarf as your courting partner then I would set aside all my hate towards elves for you." He said.

(Y/N) smiled and nodded kissing him once more and him kissing back passionately and he pulled away and wrapped one arm around her waist and the other opening the door and he guided her to the vanity and grabbed a brush, brushing her hair and then taking a strand and braiding an intricate braid into her hair and then she doing the same to him.

She changed into her night clothes while he just took of his shirt and pants and was left in his trousers. *cough abs cough*

She walked over to her bed and laid down blowing out the candles and his arms sneaking around her waist as he crawled in next to her. Her back on his chest and his face in her neck taking in her pine and lavender scent.

"Goodnight Amrâl." He said softly which she replied to with, "Goodnight meleth."


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