Thranduil x reader

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This was requested by EMSeriff

"My dear, would you accompany me on a walk through the once again green forests?" Thranduil, your dearest husband, asked you. He was standing behind you on the balcony, your (H/L) (H/C) hair blowing gently in the soft wind that graced the kingdom.

"Let me change into more comfortable clothes and I will my dear." You said before kissing his cheek lovingly. You walked inside your luxurious chambers, the smooth beige walls looked creamier in the soft glow of the fire. Your bed was draped in blue and purple sheets and two intricately carved nightstands were placed on either side.

You walked over to your wardrobe and opened the carved oak wooden doors and grabbed a green tunic and black pants. You quickly slipped off your dress and changed into the more comfortable attire. You grabbed some socks and your brown riding boots putting them on and walking over to your husband.

He offered you his arm which you gladly took and he walked through the dimly lit halls, that you insisted should have railings so elves wouldn't fall off if they were to careless. But Thranduil merely replied with, 'elves aren't careless' which your rolled your eyes to.

You leaned on Thranduil as you walked through the giant green wooden doors and into the forest. Thranduil kissed your head lovingly. "Would you like to visit the pond?" He asked you and you nodded.

He walked with you all the way to the pond where birds sand sweet melodies and fish swam around the pond randomly. The trees blew in gentle winds that also blew your hair behind you making you look surreal to Thranduil, well you always looked surreal to him.

He twirled you around and then pulled you to his chest smirking down at you. "Dance with me." He said before spinning you outwards and dipping you downwards. He kissed you gently before raising both of you straight up. He laid a gentle hand on your waist and held your other hand in his while your free hand rested on his shoulder.

You danced around the pond for what seemed like hours but in reality it was minutes. He would twirl you outwards randomly and sometimes you stayed in one spot and swayed for a moment before continuing onwards. He always looked at you with loving and tender eyes that shine brightly in any light. He would always lay the gentlest kisses on your face or anywhere he pleased yet he always made sure you were comfortable and pleased.

'Don't ever leave me.' He would often say, scared someday another Ellon would snatch you away from him or his scar would mortify you to the point where you couldn't look at him without seeing it, even if it was hidden from the plain eye. Yet you always told him that you would never leave him and no scar could mortify you more than hearing him say he felt someday you would leave him. You would pepper his face with kisses and sometimes sit on his lap and have his head in your chest.

"(Y/N), how do I even say how much I love, cherish, and adore you? Where do I begin and end? Where do I find a book with enough pages and enough words to find the exact ones I want to use to express this to you?" He asked you with such tenderness that it melted your heart. "Sometimes you can't use words and actions say it all. If you show me how much you love and cherish our daughter then that's enough." You whispered and smirked at him.

"Daughter, whatever are you talking about d-" he stopped himself and his mouth hung ajar with shock and realization as his eyes looked with yours. "You''re pregnant?" He whispered and you nodded. He picked you up and spun you around cheering for all Middle-Earth to hear at your clarification. "I'M GOING TO HAVE A DAUGHTER!" He shouted at least twelve times. "Yes. Yes you are." You said and giggled.

He crashed his lips onto yours and kissed you senseless and turned your knees to jelly. "Thank you. Thank you! Thank you!" He whispered out as a smile stretched across both your faces. "You had a part in it too Meleth nín." You said softly and chuckled.

"But you're going to be the one to carry her and bring her to this world. And how do you know it's a girl?" He asked you titling his head sideways. "Mother's intellect."


Months and months passed yet the baby still hadn't come. It was a month late and you were beyond worried and scared. What if something was wrong, did you do something wrong, was your bodying planning a miscarriage or what? You felt stressed, worried, scared, and exasperated. Your back constantly hurt and your whole body ached.

When you told Thranduil the baby was a month late he was even worse than you which was surprising considering the baby was inside YOU.

After weeks of waiting you finally went into labor and it was a thousand times worse than legolas' birth. It felt like you were being ripped open from the inside out and your spine felt like it broke which in the end it turned out it had been cracked slightly but nothing that would cause life changing damage.

Once your child was out you almost cried from joy and relief, that was until you felt another wave of pain rushed over you and you screamed it again. TWINS. How would you be able to do this.

Thranduil stayed by your side the entire time whispering soothing words and encouraging you to go on. He held your hand and it broke his heart to hear your screams of agony.

Once your second child was out you laid back on the pillows and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank the Valar." You whispered out as yours eyes fluttered shut from tiredness. "My lady, my lord, you have two daughters." They said and handed one to each of your. "They're beautiful, like you my dear." Thranduil whispered as tears trickled down his face from joy. His heart swelled feeling complete and at ease.

You looked down at your second child and smiled and a choker sob broke from your mouth. "Hello Penneth."

7 years later

"Come on Legolas!" Your twins shouted as they ran towards the pond. Once news had reached Legolas and Gimli they came as quickly as they could and the twins had taken a string liking to their brother and his friend. Thranduil put up with Gimli as long as the twins liked him even if he didn't want the dwarf here.

"I'm coming!" Legolas shouted as he raced after them and soon caught them scooping them up in his arms. "Got you!" He said and they giggled falling backwards.

"They look so happy." Thranduil whispers to you as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. "I know and I'm glad he got the chance to meet them." You whispered back and kissed Thranduil lovingly.

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