Bard x reader

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Bard's P.O.V.
She walked through the market like she did everyday with a love sick Alfrid behind her.

It wasn't that alfrid and her where a thing alfrid just didn't know how to take a 'no.' She constantly told him 'no' and even threatened him.

But the damned man was to dense to understand. I had an idea that may get alfrid off her back.

As she walked to the fruit section of the foggy and cluttered market I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and whispered in her ear, "play along." She gave a nod and blushed a lot.

"Darling want me to cook tonight?" I asked she smiled up at me as alfrid came through the crowd and stopped dead in his tracks.

"No, that won't be necessary, I'll be doing the cooking again." She answered kissing my cheek which made me blush more.

"What's going on er?" Asked the worm in front of us. "Didn't (Y/N) tell you, me and her are courting." I said smirking at alfrid.

"Oh well, congratulations." He sneered and walked off with a scowl.

"Oh thank you bard!" (Y/N) said throwing her arms around my neck and I smiled wrapping my arms around her waist. "Thank you so much, I couldn't get the worm off my back without him to cause problems for my family and I." She said smiling at me.

"Well, (Y/N) I wanted to ask you...maybe we could turn our lie to a truth?" I asked making her tilt her head sideways. God that was adorable.

"What do you mean want me to court you, don't you?" She asked with a breathtaking smile.

I nodded and looked down from her eyes. Only did they return to her's when she lifted my chin and she was still smiling. "You think I'll say no, don't you?" She asked and I nodded again.

She chuckled. "Well your wrong, I will court thy bard." She said making my head snap completely up and meet her (E/C) eyes that where stunning and captivating.

She leaned in and placed her lips on mine which I returned by putting my hand on the back of her neck and wrapping my other arm around her waist as she cupped my face with her hands.

It felt like I was on cloud nine. Her taste was sweet as honey and sugar.

She pulled away and smiled. "I suppose we should tell your children and my brother and sister?" She inquired smiling her arms still wrapped around my neck.

"I guess we have no other choice although your brother may chase be around with a knife." I said chuckling. She chuckled as well. "He might." She said and grabbed my hand with hers and then we started walking to her house.

We walked inside and immediately (Y/N)'s little sister Revora came barreling at me. "Bard!" She cheered and hugged my waist. "Hello Revora how are we today?" I asked her and she smiled. "I am good, why are you holding sissy's hand?" Revora asked.

(Y/N) sat down and put Revora on her lap. "Well Revora me and bard are courting, do you know what tha-" "AHHHHHHHH SISSY HAS A BOYFRIEND!" Revora Shouted almost busting our eardrums.

Clint, (Y/N)'s brother walked in with...a knife. "Bard if I'm guessing and it's correct your my sister's knew boyfriend?" Clint said and (Y/N) rolled her eyes and pulled Revora to the side.

"Uh yes." I said smiling standing up and rubbing her back of my neck.

"I suggest you run bard." I heard Revora whisper and I nodded and started running with Clint yelling and chasing me.

After about half an hour of chasing I finally got Clint's blessing, we made our way back to my house.

We walked inside and Bain looked up from his book. "Oh hello ms. (Y/N)." Bain said. Bain already likes her so I didn't have to worry about that. They would go fish and hunting together all the time.

Sigrid and Tilda came downstairs and ran to (Y/N). "Ma!" Tilda Shouted making (Y/N) blush. Tilda had a hobbit of calling (Y/N) ma, it was quiet cute actually.

"I'm sorry (Y/N) I forgot that sigrid doesn't want me calling you ma." Tilda said softly looking down. (Y/N) bent down and lifted Tilda's chin up.

"Well sigrid will have to get used to you calling me ma, because that's what I might be in a few months." (Y/N) said making Tilda squeal with delight and jump into her arms which (Y/N) pulled her into a hug.

Sigrid's jaw dropped and she dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s shoulder and hugged her.

Bain got up after marking his spot in the book and joined the embrace. I was the last to join wrapping my arms around them all and kissing my children on the forehead and (Y/N) on the cheek.

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