Thranduil x dragonfire!reader pt. 1

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(I don't remember when thranduil got his scar so just role with this timeline plz and also he was never married or had Legolas in this either. )

4,000 years ago

Readers P.O.V.

I watched as the dragon emerged from the gold it had been bathing in for the passed 4,000 years. I watched as it looked around till it's eyes landed on me.

"My my, what does a little elfing think she's doing in my mountain?" The dragon asked slithering it's head down to my face.

Thranduil was in a different mountain taking care of a different dragon and I had to take down that dragons offspring. Ismald. Also known as the one I'm talking to now.

"What is your name elfing?" Asked Ismald. I felt my heart beat faster as I held my sword of obsidian closer and felt my whole body tense.

"I'm, Irene." I spoke lying knowing that if I told my real name he could be very dangerous.

"Beautiful name dear. Now..." what Ismald did next shocked me he changed into a human.

"You my dear are beautiful

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"You my dear are beautiful. But you know what happens to things hat are beautiful?" He asked circling me. I felt my heart beat even faster as he put a arm on my shoulder leaning on me.

I flinched away but his hand caught my cheek making me look at him. "W-what?" I mumbled out.

"Anything that is beautiful, people want to break, and you my dear are beautiful I'm afraid." He spoke.

After he said that his hand clenched onto my cheek and he dug his nails into my skin causing me to scream out in pain.

I pulled out my sword and sliced at his shoulder causing him to retreat back a little and he hissed at me and then changed back into his dragon form.

I didn't have time to react before I felt a freezing substance on my face and I screamed out in pain as the ice made my cheek freeze off then the rest of the left side of my face

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I didn't have time to react before I felt a freezing substance on my face and I screamed out in pain as the ice made my cheek freeze off then the rest of the left side of my face. I didn't feel the warm sensation of blood or the hard bones. I felt cold. And alone.

I felt myself stumble back and then black out. Before I was completely gone I heard others come in and take Ismald down and then I faded away into blackness.

4,000 years later.

I sat at my vanity looking at my scar in the mirror. I hid it just like thranduil his his but I still felt it. I still felt the same coldness and loneliness I felt on the day I earned my scar.

I felt tears start to run down my cheeks as I closed my eyes. No noise escaping my mouth just the unsteady breathing.

I was unaware that Thranduil had walked in and was watching me with empathy. He also was a bit shocked. For I knew of his scars but he not of mine.

"I know your pain." He spoke softly which made me jump and stand up turning around and my scar fading away.

Thranduil walked forward and took my hand in his and pulled me to his chest. See me and Thranduil where more than friends but we weren't married either. We where courting.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried into his chest. "How can you love something as hideous as me?" I sobbed out. "I love you because of your bravery, kindness, passion, and all of your quirks and flaws. Your beauty is a bonus and that scar is just part of the package. But it makes you even more beautiful in my eyes." He whispered into my ear and I felt my tears slowly secede from my eyes.

"I love you Thranduil." I whispered. "I would hope so especially since I'm asking you to marry me right about now."

I looked at him shocked as he held both my hands in his and then he pulled a ring from his pocket it was beautiful. It had silver hues and a metallic gem in the center shaped like a flame.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), I love you. Every part of you from your wit to the scar you shun yourself for. I accept your flaws and quirks your personality and beauty. I have nothing in my kingdom that could express my love to you, even Erebor doesn't have a gem such as you." He spoke to me with truth and love. "So I ask thy will you marry me?"

I felt tears in my eyes but these where tears of joy that I would accept. "Y-yes." I chocked our and then wrapped my arms around s his neck and pulled him to me where I kissed him with passion and in the mixed of things he managed to put the ring on my finger. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist as he picked me up and sat me on the vanity.

He pulled away from me and smiled at me with a true smile. "Thank you." He whispered as he kissed the top of my nose. "I would've been a fool to say no." I replied back and kissed him passionately.

He titled his head and put his arms on the sides of my waist and pushed me backwards a little with his weight.

I titled my head as well and wrapped my arms around his neck.

After a while I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Our wedding will be big and if we must I shall invite the dwarf lords."
Thranduil said and I laughed a little. "Thank you and let us rest for we must plan our wedding tomorrow for I wish to be yours as soon as possible for even I, an elf, don't want to wait for our blessed day to come." I said resting our foreheads together.

"The feast of starlight is of soon shall we have our wedding then meleth?" Thranduil Asked.

"Yes we shall."

Part 2 coming soon!

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