Aragorn x reader

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In this One-Shot Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Eomer, and Faramir all go on a quest to find a new queen for Gondor and  they find her in the last place expected, the Shire. This was requested by @7ma4ty3

~~~Aragorn's P.O.V.~~~

I was heartbroken that Arwen had left, but who was I to ask her to give up her whole future just for me? I wandered the halls of Gondor nodding at the people that passed by me. That when Gimli came to my side.

"Your need a lass, lad." Gimli said smirking and smoking on his pipe. "And where would I find her at?" I asked raising a brow.

"Knife ears, Eomer, Faramir, and I have decided to take you on a quest to find your Queen." Gimli said making a smoke ring.

I raised my brow again and titled my head. "What do you mean 'Take me on a quest to fine my Queen?'" I asked uncertain about what Gimli was saying.

"Where going to look all across middle earth for ye'r wife lad. From here in Gondor to even the Shire!" He cheered "Also we're not taking No for an answer. We've already packed your bags."

With that the stubby man walked down to the courtyard and I was left pondering about this. Dwarves are stubborn and when one says they're not taking no for an answer, you might as well give up.

I sighed and walked down to the courtyard and saw Legolas, Gimli, on a white stallion and Eomer, Faramir on black horses.

My horse was a chestnut brown and had a long black mane, and tail.

I mounted my horse and followed after Faramir. "Where are we going first?" I asked still unsure of this. "We're going to Rohan first," answered Legolas. "It's a three days ride if we keep our pace, maybe two days and a half if we pick it up!" Gimli Shouted.

~~~TimeSkip to Rohan~~~

We are now at the gates of Rohan. Eomer gaining is passageway with ease. We searched all day for someone who would make a good Queen and lover, but none seemed interested or they where already wed.

We stayed the night, the beds were quite comfortable and the food was great. We ate our breakfast then we walked out to the stables and got our horses ready. We mounted them and then we made our way to Rivendell (Imladris).

Even in the magnificent kingdom we still had no such luck. Most didn't want to see their husband die while they lived on ruling alone. Others where already being courted or wed. Some simply didn't have interest or just wanted it for my title. (Which I found odd considering normally Elves weren't usually like that).

We repeated this cycle for many days possibly even months. That was until we reached the shire. We saw little hope in finding someone who'd want to rule Gondor here.

We wandered around, Gimli and Eomer doing most of the talking. That was until a young hobbit, she couldn't have been more than 5-6 years of age, ran up to us and tugged at my pants leg.

"Are you Airgom?" She asked in a small voice. I smiled and nodded. "I am little one, what is your name?"

"I'm-" "Nephie!" I heard someone cry and then I saw a young woman she looked very beautiful. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair bouncing as she ran, her (E/C) eyes filled with panic as she scooped Nephie, into her arms and sighed. "Nephie you can't go running off. I'm your sister and I'm responsible for you while we're out," the woman then turned her gaze to me her (E/C) eyes where even more entrancing up close. "I'm terribly sorry for my sister she has an adventurous side that can't be control sometimes." She said.

"I should probably be going." She said and she started walking away. "Wait miss!" I called. She turned around and her eyes locked with mine. A spark lit inside my chest and little did I know the same thing happened to her.

"Can-can I get to know you more?" I asked her and she smiled. "S-sure, you can follow me now." She said turning back around and I followed her on my horse.

Gimli, Faramir, Eomer, and Legolas All smiled (Gimli was smirking) and left us be.

She told me to just leave my horse tied to the fence so I did. We walked to her house and she invited me inside. "My parents are out shopping right now and I'm putting Nephie to bed." She said walking to a different room.

When she came back she smiled at me and sat down on her couch, motioning for me to do the same.

~~~TimeSkip Because I can~~~

We had talked late into the evening, we had found out we had a lot in common and it was actually very nice to talk to her. She was also very beautiful and she was so kind as well. Offering me some tea or wine.

I soon realized I had fell in love with her and I could only hope she had feelings for me in return but, the chances of that where very slim.

She looked at me and I saw only kindness in her eyes as she smiled. "Aragorn! Aragorn are you listening?" She asked me. I shook my head and said, "sorry, yes yes I'm listening."

She giggled and shook her head. "Your quite cute when your thinking." She complements making me blush. "Thank you my lady." I said smiling.

"Oh it's getting late, you probably have other things to do." She said looking outside and seeing the moon begin to rise.

She stood up and walked me to her door and she smiled at me. "I enjoyed your company Aragorn, I hope you come back to visit sometime. I will miss you." She said looking up at me and she smiled tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I will come back and visit a lot." I replied as I crouched down and cupped her cheek making her blush.

We stared into each other's eyes until we both leaned in and our lips met.

I wrapped my other arm around her waist and pulled her closer. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back with just as much passion as I gave to her.

I pulled away and she was blushing and I was pretty sure I am too. She smiled and hugged me tightly.

"I look forward to seeing you again." She whispered and I smiled. "I do as well."

I saw her inside and then I smiled to myself thinking, 'I found my queen.'

A/N:I switched up the ending slightly because I just couldn't figure out how to write it your way I'm terribly sorry but I hope you liked this!

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