Legolas x reader

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This was requested by the fabulous MiddleEarth111

~~~Legolas's P.O.V.~~~

I watched as she continued to climb the snowy rocks, that refused to give any of us leverage. She had determination, something I admired about her.

Her once (H/L) (H/C) hair, now covered in snow almost making her hair look completely white.

She saw pippin slip slightly and caught his hand. "Come on pip." She said hauling him up with her. Valar She was strong.

Eventually we had to rest for the night and so Aragorn used his ranger skills and found us a cave. It did little to keep out the cold though. In fact it felt colder in the cave.

(Y/N) walked over to the shivering hobbits and gave them her cloak. "Here. You need it more than I do." She whispered patting Frodo's shoulder.

Let's see, Generous, kind, caring, outgoing, pretty inside and out. She was perfect. I couldn't put into words how much I loved and adored this woman.

But Aragorn, and Gimli could, STILL, tease me to no end about it. Over the smallest things to.

"Your woman is cold Mellon nîn." Aragorn said leaning on my shoulder.

"Go lad she's not going to wait all night for your to keep her warm." Gimli said smirking and doing his famous laugh making (Y/N) look up and shake her head a little. She pulled her knees to her chest and laid her head on them.

I was hesitant to walk over to her at first but then I took a deep breathe and made my way over to her.

"Mellon nîn," I said gently crouching down beside her. "You are cold. Can I be of service in anyway?" I asked her gently. I opened my arms to her, just incase.

Without even registering it for the first 5 seconds, (Y/N) had almost thrown herself into my arms. She dug her face into my neck making my cheeks feel ten thousand times warmer. I wrapped my arms around her small form and ran my fingers through her hair. "Even your hair is cold." I said making her laugh a little.

"Well sitting in a damp cave with winds barreling at you can do that." She said pulling away from me and leaning against the wall and I sat next to her wrapping my arm around her waist to draw her closer and keep her warm.

"Thank you Mellon nîn." She said softly leaning into my side and digging her face into my neck again.

At that moment all the other members seemed to vanish it was just her and I. I grabbed her hand and looked down at her. At my actions she raised her head and her (E/C) eyes locked with mine. The world itself now seemed to fade.

The walls, the people, the coldness. I started to lean in and she did the same soon our lips locked.

~~~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~~~
As our lips locked I felt all the coldness fade and it was only the two of us. I had been admiring Legolas for his personality and beauty from afar but never thought that he would even like me back.

He kissed me with passion making my heart flutter and my stomach become the home of thousands of nonexistent butterflies. I wrapped my arms around his neck tangling them in his hair.

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his lap.

"Alright you two, wait until the quest is over till you think about kids!" Gimli Shouted bringing us back to reality.

"Can I kill him yet?" Legolas whispered. "Not yet Meleth nîn." I answered resting my head on his shoulder.

Aragorn heard Gimli and he smirked. "Your wedding will be at Gondor!" He said making me and Legolas turn as bright as roses.

"Aragorn king or not I will cut out your tongue." I threatened making him laugh.

After the many perils and treacherous feats of our journey, the ring had finally been destroyed and peace had been brought back to middle-earth.

Legolas and I had started courting somewhere between the journey and now we stood next to others while we watched Aragorn become the king of Gondor.

After his heart warming speech and song, giving the hobbits the respect they deserve (and hopefully Frodo a new finger) he turned to us smirking.

"Don't..." Legolas said quietly under his voice so only I could hear it.

"Aragorn I know where you sleep and I have a dagger." I mumbled under my breathe.

"We should also celebrate my two very good friends. (Y/N) and Legolas." He said smirking. "Why should we celebrate you ask? Well because they are to be wed as soon as possible! Here in Gondor!" He Shouted so all could here.

"He did it. He really did it." I said hiding my face in Legolas's shoulder. The crowd cheered for us which only made me blush even harder. "Can I kill him yet?" I asked. "Not yet Meleth nîn." He whispered caressing my cheek.

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