Imagine comforting Thranduil after a nightmare

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~~~Thranduil's P.O.V.~~~

I watched as she, my beautiful wife, was being thrown around between two men. At my OWN party.

They where forcing her to pick which one she wanted to dance with. Or rather which one she wanted to seduce her to his chambers.

These men where from Rohan. Yes everyone from every kingdom was invited. Even the dwarves.
Erebor, Lothlorien, Imladris, Gondor, ironhills, Rohan, the shire, etc.

I watched as my wife didn't even look at me but was smirking. She started to back away and used her index finger to make them follow her she led them away to where I couldn't see.

I felt like an arrow had been shot through my heart.

When they came back her wedding ring was gone. I look down at my hand and saw my ring started to fade away like dust being blown in the wind.

On her finger instead was a simple golden ring, not the diamond and silver one I had given her.

I sat up right in my bed sweat trailing down from my forehead to my bare chest. I looked down at my ring finger my ring was still there, thankfully.

My eyes darted to my wife who was in her silk beige nightgown that left no curve of her body unseen. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair was laid over her shoulders like waves on a waterfall.

She was breathing evenly and her chest rose and fell gently. Her (S/C) cheeks where slightly rosy from the cool air of the room.

Her right arm was laid slightly above and to the side of her head and her left was rested over her stomach.

I turned around to where I was on my knees and slowly crawled towards her. Seeing that her ring was still on her finger I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding.

I crawled till I was next to her I laid down and wrapped my arms around her waist and snuggled my face into her neck.

She must have woken when I pulled her close to me, for she bummed something I couldn't understand. "Meleth nîn What is wrong?" She mumbled.

"Nothing just unpleasant images." I answered. "You mean a nightmare, what happened?" She asked me. "We has a party everyone from every kingdom came. Two men of Rohan tried to seduce you, and succeeded. You left me for them." I said.

~~~(Y/N)'s P.O.V. ~~~

"We has a party everyone from every kingdom came. Two men of Rohan tried to seduce you, and succeeded. You left me for them." Thranduil said making my heart clench.

I sat up in bed and crawled in front of him sitting on his lap and grabbing his hands making him look me in the eyes. "I will never leave you for some dirty man. You saw what I did before we where courting. When one man tried to seduce me I splashed wine in his face. Do not worry of another taking me from you. It won't happen. I promised." I said locking my eyes with his.

He rested his forehead on mine and I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck letting them rest on his shoulders as I kissed him gently. He kissed me back with just as much care put it was also full of passion and love.

"Let us lay our tired heads to rest and continue our morning with pleasant memories, and not the unpleasant ones we had." I said as a laid Thranduil down and laid on top of him resting my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

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