Lindir x reader

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A/N: Lindir needs love and I'm going to give him some. This is also a modern oneshot.

Imagine:being trapped outside your classroom with Lindir during a school lockdown with an armed man inside.

Your teacher had given you sheet of homework to go down to the office and have someone copy it. It was a simple task yet it would end in disaster for you and one other.

Three things would make this day take a turn for the worst.
•Someone with bad intentions
•you being sent outside the class
•the office was halfway across the school on the first floor were no other class rooms where.
One things would be good about the outcome but I'm keeping that to myself.

As your shoes clicked on the titled floor you felt a weird gut feeling. But you decided to ignore it. As you passed the main entrance of the school you saw a van outside, sitting on the curb. Weird. You shook your head and moved on. You walked into the office and had someone copy the homework then you started walking back to your classroom.

You were walking up the stairs passing the gym when the intercoms came on. "Lockdown. This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill." Your heart started racing and you looked around for a classroom and the only place that was close enough was the gym. You walked inside quietly and hid behind the door to the storage closet.

You could hear your heart pounding in your ears and you were sure that you would be found especially when you heard the gym doors burst open and a loud grunt and heavy breathing. You slammed your hand over your mouth to quiet down a squeak that was going to escape your mouth.

Footsteps rang through the gym until they were right in front of you and heavy breathing made you shake and your heart almost stop as long lanky pale fingers wrapped around the door and you decided you only had one escape.

You used all your strength and slammed the door closed and you heard a loud yell of pain, probably from slamming his fingers in the door. Your boots slammed down on the floor as you ran across the gym looking back to see a man with greasy black hair and green full eyes yelling as he chased after you.

You forced your feet to go faster and you dashed out of the gym and down the hall when the boys bathroom door opened and someone grabbed your arm dragging you inside and slammed the door just as the man ran out of the gym.

You struggled against the person who and grabbed you until you looked up and saw Lindir and some of his friends and his brother. Legolas, Haldir, Elrohir, Ellandan, Feren, and his brother Meludir.

Your breathing was uneasy and was more gasps than actual breathing. You held your hands over your heart as Lindir put his arm around your shoulder and said something to you but it didn't get through.

"(Y/N), (Y/N)!" He whisper shouted and you shook your head. "S-sorry." You whispered. "What did you say?"

"I asked 'what happened'?" Lindir responded and you almost yelled when pounding on the bathroom door started and you clung to Lindir as Legolas and Meludir presser against the door to keep the man out.

Loud grunts and shouts came but eventually they faded as well as the clicking of shoes. "I-I was going down to the office to copy homework when on my way back they came over the intercoms and said 'lockdown.' I was closest the gym so I ran inside and hid behind the storage closet door. He came into the gym and he wrapped his fingers around the door so I slammed it shut on his and I ran for it. Then you pulled me into the bathroom." You explained quietly.

"Did he hurt you at all?" Lindir asked with sincerity in his eyes as his blue, almost silver eyes bored into yours. "No. No." You reassured him. It wasn't until the gunshot rang through the bathroom did you realize the intruder had busted off the lock and was now standing in the door way amining the gun straight at you. You heard another gunshot ring and made your already ringing ears hurt more but that would soon be the least of your worries. A searing pain erupted from your chest and then your right shoulder. A scream of agony rippled through the air as you almost fell to your knees. Your once white shirt was now stained with red.

Meludir retrieved his pocket knife that he had but really shouldn't and chucked it straight at the mans shoulder. The knife hit its target and the man yelled in pain and his hand dropped the gun going to pull out the knife. Legolas kept forward and tackled the man to the ground as Lindir picked you up bridal style and raced to the main entrance of the school. The others followed suit after they pried Legolas off of the man.

Just as Lindir burst through the main entrance cops came and burat out of their cars. Lindir felt tears prick in his eyes as he looked down at you,  bleeding out and slowly dying. In pain. Cops rushed forward and took you from his arms as he rushed to follow you. Soon after the ambulance arrived and Lindir, somehow, was allowed to accompany you. He sat next to you holding your hand, you had passed out from pain and blood loss. Lindir prayed to the Valar that you would make it. He wanted to make you his girlfriend, and eventually his wife. He wanted to see you play with your possible future children, he didn't want to wat h you die in a hospital bed. 

"Please...don't leave me...I need you. I love you." He whispered and kissed your tear stained cheek gently. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your pointed ear and looked at the small window on the door watching as the intruder was arrested and shoved into the back of the police car. 'I hope you rot in jail you pathetic excuse of an elf!' Lindir shouted in his head.


Two weeks later

Lindir laid by your bedside, barely ate, barely slept, barely spoke. The only thing he did constantly was watch your face, memorize how still it  was, so if you moved even slightly he would know. He often spoke to you as if you were awake or just looking at him with those beautiful (E/C) orbs that always shone and glittered in both moon and sunlight. 

Finally he decided to confess his feelings to you, even if you weren't awake to hear it yourself. 

"You know, I wanted to marry you someday. I wanted to go to prom with you or even just walk under the starlight on any night you wanted to. I would've walked to you house in the middle of the night just to comfort you or hear your voice. After a few years of us being together, after we graduated high school and got accepted into college I would ask for your hand in marriage. I would watch you walk down that aisle with that beautiful dress of yours hugging your figure. I would stare into your eyes as we said our 'I do's'. I would be beside you as you brought our child or children into the world. I would grow old with you and die beside you when it was time." He let out a long pained sigh but soon turned to a sob as he felt his heart break into a trillion pieces. 

"Why don't we start at 'walk under the starlight'?" Said a soft hoarse voice and a gentle hand came up to Lindir's cheek md cupped it. "(Y/N)!" Lindir half yelled half sobbed out as he threw himself into your arms yet was weary of your wounds. 

"You heard all of that didn't you?" Lindir asked blushing softly. "Yep." You said with a soft chuckle. "You going to kiss me or just crush me?" You asked teasingly and Lindir blushed before slamming his lips onto yours. They fit like puzzle pieces, moving together gently as he wrapped a hand around you neck gently and brought you closer to him. "I love you so much my starlight." He whispered against your lips. "I love you too my moonlight." You said with a smirk.

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