Imagine comforting Thorin after a nightmare

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A/N: so this will be a mini series in this book and I'm also working on a seven minutes in heaven mini series too! (These will also be very short unlike my other works.  These will be between 400-800 words)

~~~Thorin's P.O.V.~~~

I watched as my wife, (Y/N) was engulfed by the red, orange, and amber flames of dragon fire. Her screams reached my ears as I stood paralyzed not being able to do anything.

I heard as she shrieked out my name, begging, pleading me to help her. "THORIN! PLEASE HELP ME! IT-" Her screams where cut off by another thunderous roar from the dragon who set my precious gem alight in waves of fire.

"THORIN!" She screamed one last time her (H/C) hair was burning and her skin was melting off her bones.

I was screaming inside my head for my legs to start running to save her and have her battered body in my arms once more.

I saw as the flames engulfed her to where her screams where the only thing I could hear. "THORIN! I LOVE Y-"

I shot up in my bed, in a cold sweat and my hair sticking to my neck and forehead. My head whipped to the side as I remembered my wife (Y/N). "Love..." She said groggily. "What is plaguing your mind?" She asked as she sat up running her eyes.

~~~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~~~

I felt somebody shoot up next to me and I slowly opened my eyes to find my husband in a cold sweat. His chest rising and falling as his eyes told me that something plagued his mind terribly.

"Love..." I said groggily his head whipping to see me as I sat up. "What is plaguing your mind?" I asked gently rubbing my eyes.

The only reply I was supplied with was him wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his lap. He dug his face into the crook of my neck and I wrapped my arms around him gently.

I stroked his back soothingly as I felt him steady his breathe as he was shuddering.

"Are all Alright?" He suddenly asked as he pulled back and his blue eyes locked with my (E/C) one's.

"I'm fine love. See I'm fine." I said pulling his hand to my chest and letting his hand feel my heartbeat, to reassure him that I was alive and well.

"Thank the gods." He whispered gently then kissed me passionately.

I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck and one hand cupping his cheek as I closed my eyes.

He titled his head as he wrapped his arms around my waist and then pulled away looking into my eyes.

"Get some rest love I will be here when dawn greets us." I whispered crawling off of his lap and back to my spot laying on my stomach.

He nodded and laid back down he grabbed him hand and I squeezed his hand tightly letting him know I would never leave him. Never.

And like I said, When dawn greets us I would be there. And I was like I promised him.

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