Thranduil x pregnant wife reader

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A/N so I miss read EMSeriff request and so I'm writing the the original one she wanted. This way you can decided which one you prefer!

"Please, Thranduil..." (Y/N) pleaded, her cheeks where stained with her tears that rolled down from her eyes. Her hair was disheveled and her heart was aching.

Thranduil had been rushed into his kingdom his faced was scarred and he screamed in pain till he fell unconscious. Thranduil and a group of guards had went to face the serpents of the north. In the process he was left with a scar that would haunt him till death.

The healers did all they could, they even got help from some of the most experienced healers in middle-earth.

By his side was his wife. His pregnant. Wife. He didn't know that she was pregnant though. She was barely showing when he left and when he got back her baby numb was more noticeable.

She was currently 6 months along. Halfway through with her pregnancy. She could only
Pray to the Valar that Thranduil would wake up in time to be by her side when she went into labor.

"Please, Meleth nín. Do not leave me. Not now." She pleaded caressing his soft skin that hid his scar.

Thranduil could hear the faint words of his wife. They where barely audible to him though he could tell it was his wife's voice. He tried to become conscious again but he still was struggling to get there. Each word his wife spoke gave him more strength.

"Please. You can not leave us." She said and Thranduil pondered, 'us'? What did she mean by that.

"You can't leave your child or me. Not now," She whispered. "I don't know if you can hear me, but you have a child Thranduil. They will be here in 6 more months. Soon they will be here. I can't raise them alone. I can't. I need you Thranduil. More than ever now." She pleaded as she brought his hand to her lips and left a gentle kiss on his hand.

Thranduil heard her words and in his mind he was racing with excitement, slight panic, guilt, and love. He fought harder than before to get to consciousness.

Finally he could see, smell, hear (better), and feel. He had just enough energy to reach for his wife's hand before she could walk away.

(Y/N) turned around quickly to see if she was correct, she was Thranduil had woken and was weakly smiling at her.

He tried to sit up but groaned in pain. His cheek wasn't the only thing that was wounded. He had other scars and he was sore. (Y/N) helped him sit up and propped a pillow behind him to make it more comfortable.

"D-did I hear you c-correctly?" He asked cupped (Y/N)'s cheek gently. "Hear what correctly?" She asked softly. She had an idea of what he was talking about but wanted to make sure.

"Am I correct in hearing you say, you're with child?" He asked weakly. (Y/N) nodded and tears welled in her eyes again.

"Have you though of names yet?" He asked gently stroking his thumb across her cheekbone. (Y/N) nodded and smiled weakly looking down slightly and sniffing. "Yes. I wanted to confront you about them first though. If it where a boy then I though, Legolas Thranduilion. If it was a girl then, (G/N) Thranduillig." (Y/N) said softly.

"I like both Meleth." He whispered. "You need rest. I will fetch you some water." (Y/N) said but Thranduil stopped her. "You don't need to be doing anything."

"I am not a piece of glass yet Thranduil your supposed to go full overprotective mode when I'm 11 months along." She said chuckling.

(Y/N) fetched him some water and came back to him sleeping. She set the water on the table next to his bed and pulled the cover over him more. "Goodnight Meleth."

~~~6 months later~~~

"THRANDUIL!" The queen's screams of agony echoed through the halls of Mirkwood. The shouting and protests of the king only added to the noise.

The queen had gone into labor 2 hours ago and she wanted Thranduil by her side. "LET MY HUSBAND IN!" She pleaded as she gripped the sheets in pain.

Thranduil had had enough he wouldn't not standby and listen to wife's pleads and screams of torture. He busted through the door and raced to his wife's side holding her hand, well it was more like his hand was being broken.

"My king y-" "AS KING I order you to let me stay here with my wife!" He snapped at the healer, emphasizing the words 'As king'.

After several more hours of pain and screams from his wife finally gave birth to a healthy boy which they named, Legolas.

(Y/N) cradled Legolas in her arms and smiled down at him her eyes where watery with tears. Though this time happy tears. She brushed a gently finger across his chubby cheek and he made, what sounded like, a small noise of annoyance. Thranduil and (Y/N) chuckled at their son and realization sunk in.

"W-we did this." She whispered looking at Legolas. "You did it." Thranduil Said. "I believe you had a role in it too." She said chuckling. "After all he got everything from you it seems." She said shaking her head while chuckling softly.

"Hopefully not everything." Thranduil whispered and once the healers left he was quick to crawl onto the bed beside his wife and look at their son closer. "Do you want to hold him?" (Y/N) asked.

Thranduil nodded and took the small child. THEIR small child. Tears welled into his eyes and he smiled and chuckled softly in disbelief.

"I can't believe he is actually part of me." He whispered.

Thranduil looked at his wife and smiled widely at her. She smiled back and Thranduil kissed her gently smiled placing Legolas back into her arms.

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