reader x Lindir

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~~~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~~~
I was riding on my white stallion, Ismald on my way back to my home. It had been over a hundred years since I last saw the beauty of it. The silver waterfalls cascading down smooth, grey stone. The beauty sunsets full of pink, orange, yellow, and off white colors with hues of purple. The stars that painted the blue canvas and the moon that blessed the valley with its silver rays.

I urged Ismald to go faster. Faster than he had ever gone. I was waiting for so long to be rescued. I was taken prisoner by Azog himself. He made me his slave. I had to do whatever he said. Otherwise I would be beaten to where I could barely walk by myself.

I could almost hear the valley. I was so close. That's when I heard shouting. I looked to my left. There where dwarves running across the lands, hiding from wargs and orcs. I felt empathy for them. For I knew that being chased by wargs and orcs was no fun.

They had stopped behind a large boulder, when a warg jumped on top of it and started looking around for the dwarves.

I instinctively pulled at my dagger, something I stole from the orcs. I aimed at the wargs head, then tossed the dagger, impaling it in the wargs skull.

The warg collapsed and rolled down the boulder landing in front of the dwarves and they killed the orc silently.

"Hey! Filth!" I shouted as I ushered Ismald forward and caught the wargs attention.

"(Y/N)..." Gandalf breathes out before running again making the dwarves move their eyes from (Y/N) to Gandalf.

I pulled out my bow and started shooting down the orcs and wargs as I passed them. A warg came running up behind me and before I could shoot it, it kept onto Ismald's hind legs and bit into his back making Ismald fall over in pain.

I shot the warg and looked around swing as Wargs and Orcs started to close in on me. I scooted back to where my back was against Ismalds rib cage as I grew more and more nervous and scared.

I couldn't be captured again. Not after I made it this far! That's when I heard the sound of horns and the thundering of hooves as Elves from Imladris came running over the hill and started slaughtering the wargs and orcs.

Once all the Wargs and orcs where dead, and no dwarves insight, they turned and looked at me getting a shock to see that it was I, the long forgotten Princess of Imladris.

Elrond, my ada immediately rushed to my side and engulfed me in a hug. I could hear him crying softly as I wrapped my arms around him so glad I was home now.

He helped me up and into his horse, then we started to ride back to Imladris. As we rode through the front gate the dwarves from earlier got into a circle when the leader shouted something.

When Lindir, my best friend, took notice that I was with my ada, I could have sworn his ace would fall off from smiling so much.

I hopped off my Ada's horse and raced into his arms, digging my face into his soft hair. He was a bit taken back from the hug but he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me.

"Lindir take my daughter to her chambers I have some guests I must attend to. I will come visit you as soon as possible Lellig." My ada said. (Lellig=Daughter)

Lindir reluctantly pulled away from the hug and then he wrapped an arm around my waist and his other held my hand as he walked me up the stairs and through the many winding paths.

Once we arrived at my chambers, I could sense Lindir was not wanting to leave me yet so I did what I thought was best. "Would you like to come inside Mellon nîn, I could use some company?" I asked him.

He nodded and walked inside behind me. "I forgot how much detail was put into my room." I whispered looking around at the carved vine like patterns on my vanity and the doorframe.

I walked over to the couch and sat down with Lindir next to me. I moved closer to him and he wrapped his arm around my waist. "I can't tell you how much I missed you Lindir." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"Nor can I say or write any words to express how much I missed you." Lindir replied as he then, looked at me and I sat up slightly.

"Perhaps you can show me then."

I whispered. It took him back a bit but then he waisted no time in crashing his lips onto mine. I kissed him back with just as much passion and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. We pulled apart to catch our breathe. "It is improper for me to do such an action with you with their courting at least." He said looking into my eyes. "Then let us court. For I wish to spend every second I can with you, Meleth nîn." I whispered to him.

He smiled and pulled me into his lap resting his forehead on mine. We sat together talking and sharing stories from our time apart. Granted most of my stories where not that humorous but when the orc fought over stupid stuff it was a little funny.

As the moon crept higher into the sky, it's silver ray shinning down on Imladris making the surreal city look even more like a fairytale.

~~~Elrond's P.O.V.~~~

I was walking towards my Iellig's chambers with haste. I was filled with joy upon her return and I couldn't wait to have her joyful spirit back in Imladris.

I knocked on her door, but when no answer came I opened it slowly. I looked around her room for her when I found her on the couch with...Lindir. I smiled slightly. I foresaw this happening and I couldn't be happier with her choice to court Lindir. He was a good Ellon and I believed he was good enough for my daughter.

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