Bilbo x daughter reader x thorin

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A/N:Omg this is the cutest Bagginshield fanart I've seen in a long time! Also this one is really long so buckle up!



3 months ago
Bilbo was just about to pass out when you came crying inside. You slammed the door in a hobbits face. You ran into your room and slammed that door as well.

The whole house shook and your mirror fell on the floor and you took off you shoes and walked over to your bed and accidentally cut your foot on glass and you yelped in pain and sat on you bed pulling it out.

"(Y/N)! Please she wasn't special to me!" A man shouted outside the hobbit hole. "Please give me another chance!" He shouted again.

Bilbo knew this man. He was the man you had been courting. And whatever he did really upset you. So his face turned dark and he walked to the door and swung it open.
"Please, (Y/N)." He mumbled.

"What did you do to my daughter, Rilo?" Bilbo asked with hatred lacing his voice. Please let me talk to her!" Rilo pleaded but only got the door in his face as a response.

Bilbo walked back inside and looked at the door. "Give me a moment." He said then walked to your room and knocked on the door. He got no answer but weeping so he walked inside and saw the small pool of blood coming from you foot. He also saw the broken glass your puffy eyes that stared blankly out the window.

"(Y/N)." He said softly and sat next to you on the bed and put an arm around you and you leaned on his shoulder, crying your eyes out again.

"I caught...caught him with another wo...woman. She had only...only been in the shire...shire for two weeks." You stuttered out and sniffed, your crying calming down. "This is exactly why I didn't want you courting him."
Bilbo muttered. "Not helping dad." You mumbled. "Sorry."

Bilbo stood up and pulled you up with him. "Come on, need to clean that foot before it gets infected." He said and helped you into the kitchen, you finally saw the dwarves and have a confused glance but you were to sad to care.

You father sat you in a chair and got some supplies. He sat in a chair opposite you and propped your foot up on his lap. Despite being a hobbit your feet never grew hair. You never knew why.

Oin grumbled then wakes over and almost pushed Bilbo out of the chair. He sat down and started fixing your foot. "I'm s-sorry. But who are you?" You asked softly. "I'm Oin lass. Those fellows over there are Gloin, Dwalin, Balin, bofur, bombur, bifur, ori, nori, Dori, Kili, Fili, And our leader Thorin." He introduces you. "Oh...well it's nice to meet you all. I'm, (Y/N)." You introduced yourself.

"Did he do that to you lass?" Dwalin asked pointing at your foot. "No I did that, stepped on glass." You said and after Oin fixed your foot Bilbo guided you to the couch were you sat down.

You rested your arm on the armrest and you propped your chin in your hand. Tears rolled silently down you eyes as you looked out the window. Your hair was messy and your eyes were puffy.

You sat next to Kili and fili, your legs were tossed across Fili's lap and your upper half laid on Kili's lap. You had been telling them about the time your dad took you down to the lake and you pushed him into it. "And that's how I ended up grounded for a week." You said with a little chuckle.

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