Kili x reader

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The snow was up to your knees by now and it was freezing. You felt your body slowly start to shut down and that's when you saw a abandoned old barn in the distance. It gave you hope and you started making your way towards it.

You were so close and finally you had it using the last of your strength to get inside, close the door, and shift the old hay to make a makeshift bed.

You burrowed into the hay your cloak laying on top of it to store the little heat you had. As the evening went on you eventually fell asleep and some heat came back to your body.

What you didn't know was another person was out in the snow trudging his way to the old house he was in the same state as you and he finally got inside and collapsed into the nearest pile of hay. He looked over and saw your (H/C) hair and he sat up walking over to you.

He gently nudged you awake, trying not to startle you. Slowly you woke up and saw the dwarf standing over you. In fear you tumbled backwards onto your elbows and he put his hands out in surrender.

"Sorry! Sorry I didn't mean to startle you I just wanted to make sure you're okay." He explained and sat on his knees.

The dwarf was obviously in worse condition than you. His coat was torn and his pants were ripped at his knees and he had gloves that looked way to worn to be wearing.

"Who...who are you?" You asked cautiously. "Prince, Kili at your service." He said bowing his head politely. "(Y/N) (L/N), yours." You whispered in disbelief that you had met a real prince. Prince, Kili nonetheless. Your breath was visible and you shivered, pulling your cloak around your body tightly.

"You got caught in the storm to." He said and you rolled your eyes. "No shit Sherlock." You said sarcastically and sat against the wall.

"I'll go find some wood." He said and got up taking some wood from the barn and starting a fire with matches, or him scrapping rocks together. You didn't know how he got it going but he did and you were ever thankful.

As the hours went on you and he dwarf grew close, the storm not letting up and only getting worse. He was quite funny, not to mention kind and smart. He was quite attractive too, you had to admit.

You didn't realize that, Kili had been inching his way closer to you every so often and you failed to see his eyes watching you with curiosity whenever you spoke. He loved the way you would weave words together and just how magical your voice sounded.

"That's why I never venture to close to Rohan anymore." You said finishing your tale. Kili chuckled and you then notice he was directly beside you. You blushed slightly and his eyes locked with yours.

You looked away moments later into the warm fire and you laid your hand on top of his kindly. He turned his hand over and grabbed yours and squeezed it gently.

"We should rest. Get our strength back." He whispered and you nodded. You had made beds out of hay for the both of you. They weren't the best but they would do.

You laid back onto the 'bed' and wrapped your cloak around your body and you saw, Kili lay down next to you on his 'bed'. "Goodnight, (Y/N)." He whispered and you smiled looking over at him. "Goodnight, Kili." You said. You didn't realize you both were still holding hands.


Morning came and you felt warmer than you had ever been. It felt like it was coming from behind you so, being sleepy and groggy, you leaned backwards into it and hummed in approval.

As you started becoming more and more aware of your surroundings you realized arms were around your waist and something was pressed against the back of your neck. You turned your head slightly and a blush spread through your cheeks quicker than rapid water.

Kili was spooning you and you had just welcomed it. You looked out the window, trying to get your mind off the position you were in. Outside the storm raged on and it seemed to have only grown worse. You sighed. Guess you are stuck here for longer than you thought.

You decided that you had nothing better to do so you turned over and nudged Kili awake. Slowly he woke up and when he realized what he was doing he smirked.

"Well definitely good morning." He said and looked into your eyes. "Haha very funny. But I'm hungry and the chickens around the barn are free." You said suppressing a blush and adding sarcasm to your words.

"Guess that's my cue to catch them." He said and let you out of his embrace. It was much colder without his warmth causing you to shiver.

Once he caught the chickens you started up the fire again and started cooking them.
"The storm hasn't let up so that means we're staying s little longer than planned." You said and he nodded.

As the day went on the storm let up slightly but not enough to go. So you and Kili moved the fire to a corner of the barn and you sat next to each other. Kili reaches down and grabbed your hand and pulled you into his side and you looked up at him and blushed slightly.

He smirked and pulled you into his lap making you blush even more. "(Y/N), whenever this snow storm is over. Can you come back to Erebor with me? I would very much like to get to know you more so that I could possibly court you in the future?" He asked you softly brushing a strand of hair behind your ear

You looked at him your blush spreading farther and then you smiled and kissed his forehead. "Of course." You whispered and you hugged him tightly.

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