Imagine comforting Kili

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A/N: based on the picture.

Kili was hiding behind a corner listening to others talk about him. It was a mixture of females and males.

"The young one doesn't even have a beard!" Said one woman laughing. "I can see why (Y/N) picked him for his looks since she's an elf and because he Looks more like an elf than a dwarf!" Said a man and then laughed loudly.
"He doesn't even have a big nose or ears!" Said another.

Kili felt like he was just shot in the knee again. 'How can (Y/N) even look at me?' He thought to himself as he slid down the wall hugging his knees.

"I don't see how (Y/N) puts up with him all he does is joke around!" That stabbed Kili in the heart he felt tears prick at his eyes. 'A Durin is not supposed to cry!' He scolded himself in his mind.

Little did Kili know that his wife, (Y/N), was behind the other corner and she was about to bust a fuse.

She walked around the corner and crossed her arms her eyes like slits, her nails digging into her skin, her foot tapping impatiently on the ground.

"So I guess it's in a dwarves nature to talk behind their own kin's back? In their nature to think another one of them is a disgrace when they're more of a dwarf than you?!" (Y/N) yelled silencing them immediately.

Kili lifted his head a little at the new voice and words. He immediately recognized the voice as his wife's.

"I'll have you know as well, that Kili helped reclaim Erebor, YOUR HOME, and almost died TWICE for your pathetic ares's!" (Y/N) Shouted, "He also protected me on more than one occasion and your lucky you even share the same race as him! He's also the most handsome dwarf I've ever seen unlike your fat ares's!" (Y/N) added the dwarves where silent then one coughed and then they all scattered.

(Y/N) walked around the corner to see Kili there with teary eyes. 'Oh they did not make my Meleth cry.' She hissed inside her mind.

Her gaze softened at Kili and she slowly fell to her knees sitting next to Kili and letting his head rest on her shoulder. (Y/N) used her hand to run her fingers through his hair gently and she started humming his favorite song.

She then crawled around in front of him and sat on his lap. "Kili look at me." She said gently as she cupped his cheek. "I meant all the things I said, and I will never stop loving you." She whispered softly resting her forehead on his.

"Although the memories of you almost dying twice where not fun to bring up." She added with a soft chuckling making Kili smile gently. "Thank you Armalime." Kili whispered.

"Kili calls for aid, and (Y/N) will answer." (Y/N) said softly kissing Kili gently.

Kili wrapped one arm around (Y/N)'s waist and used the other to hold the back of her neck, kissing her back.

(Y/N) pulled away unwillingly and smiled at Kili. "Armalime." (Y/N) said softly. "Meleth." Kili replies.

The couple had taken it upon themselves to learn the others language so they could speak in either or when around either race without any one knowing what they where saying. (Some elves and dwarves found this especially irritating).

"Come it is nightfall, let us rest." (Y/N) said standing up and helping Kili up as well.

"Go ahead I want to speak with kili." Said the one and only Thorin.

(Y/N) nodded softly listening to her uncle-in-law and then started walking back to their chambers to get ready for bed.

"You've found yourself an amazing wife Kili." Thorin said smiling making Kili smile too and any fear of Thorin being mad for some reason washed away.

"So cherish her with the time you have, because she is immortal and you are not." Thorin said. "Not really, (Y/N) asked (didn't give a choice) Gandalf to make her live as long as I was still breathing and when I passed she did too." Kili explained.

"So that explains why she was in so much pain when you almost died twice." Thorin said crossing his arms. "Now go enjoy your night." Thorin said smiling and then walking away.

Kili nodded and started walking back to his wife and his chambers where he found (Y/N) changing behind the paper wall. "Knock next time Kili." (Y/N) said playfully. "I'm your husband I don't think I have to knock." Kili said as he changed behind his own paper wall. "Fine fine, at least you weren't fili trying to prank me." She said as she walked over to her bed in a beige silk nightgown. "Yes at least I wasn't fili." Kili said chuckling as he walked over to the bed with his trousers on.

He climbed into bed as (Y/N) pulled him closer to her putting his head on her chest as she ran her fingers through his not-so-well-kept-hair. "You really need to brush your hair kee." (Y/N) said chuckling. "Then do it for me." He whined. "I'll do it in the morning then." She said kissing his forehead but he turned his head up capturing her lips with his.

She smiled against his lip then pulled away. "Goodnight kee kee." (Y/N) said smiling. "Goodnight (N/N)." He said closing his eyes and falling asleep.

(Y/N) smiled then blew out the candles and closed her eyes intertwining their fingers together and falling asleep peacefully.

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