Bilbo x insecure!reader

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This was requested by hufflepuffturtle
Hope you enjoy!


24 yeas ago
Bilbo's P.O.V.
I watched as she walked home today with her brother and little sister. She was always looking after them. Always putting herself between them and danger. Quite selfless by hobbit standards.

She always put on a brave face and never showed fear. Or at least I thought.

She walked inside her home and closed the door as her brother and sister went to go to a friends house.

I walked out on my porch and looked around the shire. 'What to do?' I thought and then I just shrugged and started walking to (Y/N)'s House.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
As my brother and sister left the house my stance became sluggish and I walked to my room I stood in front of the full body mirror and sighed looking at myself. I was very skinny but that wasn't necessarily a good thing by hobbit standards.

I wrapped my arms around my waist and looked down ashamed. I used to love my body but when others made fun of me for it I started to doubt my own mind.

I was about to just go take a bath when I heard two loud knock come from my door and I walked to it and opened it seeing Bilbo.

"Bilbo! Hello, how are you today?" I asked politely.

"I'm just fine, little bored so I came to see if you would join me on a walk?" He asked blushing slightly.

I smiled and nodded. "Sure, let me just grab a few things, come on in you can wait in the living area." I said opening the door more so he could get in.

He walked inside and nodded his head in thanks and walked into the living area and waited as I went to go grab a few things.

Bilbo's P.O.V.
I stood in front of her hearth and looked at all the pictures she had. They where beautiful even one of (Y/N) sitting next to a pond with a beautiful Elven dress from Rivendell on. (The dress was tailored to fit her). Yes (Y/N) and I have traveled to Rivendell before. Believe it or not we both where part of Thorin's company. Kili wouldn't stop flirting with her.

I used to get so agitated at him back then but now I just laugh about it. (IN THIS KILI FILI AND THORIN LIVE)
(Mainly because I'm still in denial about my babes dying)

I heard soft footsteps come down the hall and there stood (Y/N) with a that same Elven dress in the picture that hugged her body perfectly.

"Ready?" She asked softly. I nodded and opened the door closing it behind us as we walked out and then we made our way down to a small lake.

"Remember when the dwarves bathes in the fountains at Rivendell?" She asked and I nodded chuckling. "Yes Lindir will never recover I believe." I answered.

"I think he was scarred, Elrond had quite a fit in his personal chambers is what Lindir told me." (Y/N) said and shook her head laughing.

"Remember when Kili wouldn't stop flirting with you?" I blurted out. She giggled and nodded. "Yes and you would always get so agitated. Why is that?" She asked me softly.

I blushed and walked a little slower than I was before. "U-umm I just didn't think you w-would appreciate being f-flirted wit-h." I stuttered our.

"Hmm......Liar." She said

"I think it was because you like me. More than a friend." She said and I blushed crimson red but I soon forgot about my blush as she grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

I threw all caution out the window and wrapped my arm around her waist and the other one cupped her cheek as I kissed her softly.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
My eyes flew open and my heartbeat quickened. I soon shut my eyes and wrapped my arm around his neck the other cupping his cheek.

I titled my head slightly and he did the same. I pulled away ever so slightly. "I love you Bilbo." I murmured against his lips. He smiled and said, "I love you too."

24 years later
Bilbo's P.O.V.
"And that is how (Y/N) and I came to be." I said wrapping my arm around my wife's waist as I finished telling my story to the little hobbits.

As the evening went on me and (Y/N) retired to our home and she walked to our room I already knew where she was going.

I found her standing in front of the mirror looking at herself. She was still skinny but I loved her either way.

"Why do you lessen yourself, love?" I asked softly as I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "I just don't feel like I fit in, but being with you has boosted my confidence." She spoke turning around d in my arms and dug her face into my chest. "I'm glad I can help you, love." I said kissing her head. "Now come let us retire to our bed." I said.

We changed into our nightwear and crawled into bed. I wrapped my arms around my wife's waist and pulling her to my chest. "Goodnight my flower." I said softly and she murmured something along the lines of "I love you goodnight."

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