Kili x elf reader

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*Coughs Check out my newest story 'Hands of lies and loyalty' Coughs*)

(Name)'s P.O.V.
"Aren't you going to search me, I could have anything down my trousers?" The chestnut haired dwarf asked me as I pushed him into the cell. (Name) felt a strange connection to this dwarf but pushed it aside.

"Or nothing." I replied and walked away with my guard to go and get ready for the feast of starlight. Little did I know my evening would be spent...oddly.

As I finished putting on my jewelry I was called to be in the presence of my father, King Thranduil. My long waist length, (Hair color) was in intricate braids. Two on each side of my head the braided into one  in the back. My long purple dress trailed behind me slightly it was laced with white gems given to me by my father. They where originally for my mother but since her passing they where laced into my dress. They where also fashioned into jewelry. I was also wearing a light beige eyeshadow and red lipstick.

My brother came and got me he looked handsome in his formal attire. "You look handsome brother." I commented as I linked my arm with his and he escorted my to the ballroom.

"And you look stunning my sister." He complemented me. "Thank you." I said smiling as we came into view at the top of the staircase.

The room, once filled with laughter and talkative people, silenced as we started down the stairs.

People bowed to us as we passed we nodded our heads respectfully and even smiled at the ones who she trusted the most and once they reached Thranduil's side the party started up again and then the dwarves started making noises and yelling.

"I'll go down and sort them out." (Name) said and started walking down to the cells.

"Quite all of you! Unless you want my father's wrath you better me silent." She hissed in Khuzdul surprising the dwarves.

"How do you know our language?" Thorin snapped.

"Thorin be nicer she might help us." Balin whisper shouted at the king.

"I know it because my aunt on my mothers side was a dwarf and she taught me." She explained.

"So your part dwarf?" Asked fili and (Name) nodded. "Only slightly though."

"And I'm willing to help you, but you must be quick and only leave when I'm gone and under the cover of darkness." She said walking over to Kili and handing him the keys to cell doors.

Kili grabbed (Name)'s hand before she could leave. "Thank you." He whispered kissing her nose.

(Name) blushed madly and kissed the back of his hand and nodded walking away.

Later that night she went down to visit the dwarves and found them gone. She smiled and went back to her room walking inside and going to sleep.

A few days later Thranduil and (Name) had arrived at Dale then Thranduil took his army and his daughter to go confront Thorin.

Thorin shot an arrow At Thranduil's Elk's feet. "Next time I'll put it between your daughters eyes." He seethed.

The threat made the whole Elven army get their bows ready and all aimed at Oakenshield.

"Threaten my daughter again Oak and I'll make sure Azog isn't the one to kill you but instead I." Thranduil said.

Kili looked into (Name)'s eye's and she looked back with a pleading look.

"Return to Dale war will be upon us tomorrow." Thranduil said and his army and him turned back around to go to Dale while (Name) stayed where she was atop her black elk.

She mouthed the words, "Armalime," to Kili and then turned around her elk prancing off to the army and her father.

After the war was over and thankfully Kili, Fili, and Thorin survived (Name) started riding as fast as she could on her Elk to Erebor.

The dwarves all turned around at the sound of hooves and already on edge from the war got their weapons ready but (Name)'s elk jumped over them and to Kili.

(Name) slid off her elk falling to the floor on her knees to become kili's height
as she welcomed Kili in an embrace which he gladly returned. "I'm so glad you are okay Armalime." She whispered into his ear.

"I'm thankful that you where not harmed either." Kili said then pulled away from the embrace and titled her head to meet his eyes and then smashed his lips onto hers.

Their lips moved in sync as (Name) made her hands at home in his hair.

"Get a room you two." Dwalin growled.

"Shut it groot." (Name) mumbled against kili's lips to dwalin.

"Your father won't be pleased (Name)." Thorin said. "My father can eat his crown." She replied making the dwarves warm up to her a little.

She pulled away and smiled at Kili wrapping him in her arms again and Kili pulled her into his lap and smiled.

"Promise you will stay with me." He said and she nodded and kissed his forehead.

Later that day (Name) told her father and he nearly passed out. Although he told Legolas not to love Tauriel he always had a soft spot for (Name) since she reminded him so much of his wife and aloud it making leggy jelly as hell.

10 years later

(Name) had traded her immortality so she could pass with kili when time came. She was happily now the lady of Erebor and known as Prince Kili's ArkenStone and she only drove him mad with sass and love.

The height difference bothered them none and even made something's interesting.

They had two beautiful children both girls and they where 34 (I'm guessing about 11-13 in human years) and boy when they got their periods it was a nightmare, especially since Kili was the first one to be notified about it.

(Name) explained what was going on to Kili and other than that they lived happily.

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