Bilbo x reader

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A/N: the longer you look at the picture the better it gets.

(Also in this version Bilbo is captured by the elves as well)

It had been about an hour since the dwarves had been shoved into cells when a new prisoner came down. She had (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) orbs. She stood taller than all the elves.

The dwarves watched her as she walked by, impressed by the woman and the power of her presence. She carried herself with confidence, it seemed as though, if she wanted to, she could kill the guards with one hit.

They shoved her into a cell and she growled. Almost animalistic in a way.

"What're you in for?" Gloin asked and the woman walked to the cell door and draped her arms over the bar.

"I slapped the king." She stated simply. "You what?" Thorin asked shocked at your bravery to do such a thing to Thranduil.

"I slapped him. He said, 'I'll let you go if you explain to me what you're doing in my lands' it was none of his ares's business what I was doing. Especially when I can slaughter everyone of his guards apart if I like." She said and leaned on the wall. "Anyways. I'm ready to leave and I think you're too." Before the dwarves could ask what she meant they got an answer.

The woman started shifting into another form. Her bones popping and skin stretching across her knee body. Fur blooming across her skin until she was a full grown wolf. She barely fit in the cell. Her sides practically touched the walls and she had to duck her head in order to not bang it on the ceiling. Her clothes lay forgotten and she clamped her powerful jaws around the bars of the door.

She slowly started to pull backwards until the cell started creaking and the hinge's nails started popping out. She, with one final yank, pulled the door off and threw it to the side she walked to the other dwarves cells and rammed into them each one to three times until they broke open.

Soon all the dwarves were free and the elves were not oblivious to the noise from the cells so they were very close to the cells.

She motioned with her head to follow her and she walked down to the lower halls and soon all the dwarves were stuffed into barrels and she pulled the lever with her teeth and she jumped through the opening before it closed and into the water with the dwarves.

She paddled to the surface and stared swimming to the front, leading the dwarves through the maze of a river.

As they went further down elves came out and so did...ORCS?! Orcs started climbing the wall and slaughtering elves. Well the elves that weren't paying attention.

She rammed into the gate just as it closed and she growled and barked. She clawed and rammed into the gate but it wouldn't open. She jumped out of the water and to a lever. But she got shot in the shoulder before she could get there. She growled in pain and jumped on the lever pulling it down.

"GET THE SKINCHANGER AND DWARVES!" A orc, she assumes the leader, shouted and orcs came racing at her and the dwarves. She pulled herself up and started running with a limp. She followed the dwarves along the river as Bilbo stared worriedly at her. His eyes filled with concern and something else.

"Cut the branch!" Thorin shouted as they passed under the branch, the dwarves cutting it as they went.

The skinchanger killed any orc that came her way but it was painful to do so. But it was life or death in this situation.

As they neared the end a blonde elf jumped onto the dwarves heads and started shooting orcs. You had to admit he was good with a bow. But what elf wasn't. He was better though.

Finally the elf jumped away killing other orcs and surprisingly Thorin saved the elf when an orc came behind him.

Soon the dwarves came to a stop and they all crawled out of the barrels. You linked along the side of the river panting till you finally just collapsed. You felt weak and tired.

"Thorin! They needs medical treatment!" Bilbo shouted as he came to your side and put you head in his lap. You were still in your wolf form so you didn't need anything to cover your body yet. You just needed rest.

"Hurry we have only a few minutes. Orcs are nearby." Thorin said as Oin came over and removed the arrow. You whimpered and wiggled in the hobbits lap in pain.

"Thank you...For saving us." Bilbo said gently and petted your head timidly not knowing if you would want him to or not. You pushed your head further into his hand finding great comfort in it since you needed something to focus on other than the pain.

Slowly you started shifting into your human form and Bilbo blushed once he realized you're bare. He immediately took off his coat and laid it across you covering your upper half.

"Oi, get the girl some clothes, Fili!" Oin said as he wrapped your wound. "It's f-fine. I'll just shift again and go h-home." She said and flinched when he finished wrapping the wound.

"Lass, that wound will kill you if you don't get the right treatment." Oin warned. "My father is a good healer." She said and started shifting again. "Thank you." She whispered before she was finally in her full wolf form.

She limped over to Bilbo and have him his coat back and rubbed her cheek against his and he blushed again.

She gave a respectful nod the the company and then took off towards Mirkwood, she would be going around it now though. She would also kill more orcs to help the company.

"BILBO HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" Kili shouted making the company shush him and Bilbo blush more and stutter.

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