Thranduil x reader

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This was requested by EMSeriff !

Summary:"Thranduil x reader. They are fighting dragons when, she tells him, she is pregnant with their son. This distracts Thranduil and, the reader heals and watches over him, pleading he not die; leaving her to raise Legolas when he is born. Thranduil wakes up and asks if he was correct in hearing she is pregnant. She confirms it happily. When she is in labor she keeps screaming Thranduil's name till their son is born. They are a happy family. Kissing through out the story."

Word count:1,404

(Y/N) was holding her stomach as her and Thranduil fought the great serpents known as Dragons.

(Y/N) felt that it was now or never that she told him. Knowing she may not have the chance later. They may not even be able to see their own child.

"THRANDUIL!" She screamed over the roaring of the dragon. She raced to side tackling him out of the way of the fire then rolling off of him, helping him up.

"(Y/N), ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" He asked cupping her cheek.

"IT'S NOW OR NEVER, I NEED TO TELL YOU THRANDUIL, I AM WIth child." Her words faded out as he was thrown across the cave by the serpents tail.

"It's really heart wrenching to know neither of you will see your beloved child." The serpent hissed with malice.

That's when the the serpent turned and went to turn Thranduil to ash, (Y/N) ran across the cave. She wasn't fast enough to leave Thranduil unscathed and his right cheek was burned and he screamed in agony till his world faded black and me saw nothing but blackness and only heard the screaming of (Y/N) as other guards came in.

The guards battled for hours, and hours, and hours till the dragon was defeated. They started with 3,000 guards and where left with the small number of 357.

(Y/N) had been able to put Thranduil in a coma like state so he would have a chance. Still time was not on their side.

The remaining guards helped each other and 10 came over helping the king and his queen.

(Y/N) laid a gentle kiss to Thranduil's lips and she felt her heart leap when, somehow, she felt him gently kiss back.

He was at least able to hear and feel them. She only hoped he couldn't feel the pain of his new scar.

"Send word to lord Elrond. We need him quickly." She demanded

~~~TimeSkip to Mirkwood with Elrond~~~

(Y/N) laid at Thranduil's side clutching his hand. She brushed the long blonde hair from his face seeing his face twist in pain as he stayed in his coma like state.

It had been exactly 3 months since Thranduil went into his coma and (Y/N) was now 9 months pregnant. She would sometimes feel the baby kick and she was excited to welcome the little elf to the world. But she is also very worried for Thranduil. She was praying to the Valar that he would be alright.

Every night she would reluctantly leave his side to go to their chambers and sleep. Each night felt more lonelier than the last. Even with the baby she was filled with sadness.

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