Galadriel x daughter reader x Haldir

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Galadriel's P.O.V

"(Y/N)!" I said raising my voice as I was running to keep up with my raging daughter. "Stop!" I cried out. She had just found out that her sister and Elrond's wife had sailed to Valinora.

"WHY?! WHY SHOULD I?! YOU TELLING MY SISTER DIDN'T STOP HER!" She yelled back at me and kept running till she got to her room and slammed the door locking it.

I only knew one other person that could calm her down. Haldir.

Haldir's P.O.V.

I was teaching our newest guard members how to defend themselves in hand to hand combat when Lady Galadriel walked in and everyone bowed to her.

"What can I help you with Lady Galadriel?" I asked. "My husband will take over from here come with me Haldir." She instructed and I nodded not question her.

"What shall you have me do My Lady?" I asked once we where walking through the forest towards...lady (Y/N)'s room?

"She needs a friend." Galadriel said and she nodded to her door and I nodded taking off my bow and setting it down against the wall outside (Y/N)'s door.

Galadriel walked away to do her duties and maybe watch her husband train the new recruits.

"(Y/N), it's me, Haldir can I come in?" I asked knocking softly. I heard shuffling inside and a small clink and then the door swung open and (Y/N) threw herself into my arms.

I picked her up bridal style and walked inside closing the door with my foot and setting her on the bed and sat next to her and pulled her into my lap.

"Can you tell me what is wrong?" I asked softly as she slowly looked up whipping her eyes.

"M-my si-ster Just s-ailed to Valinora, forever." She sobbed out making my heart break.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N), I know sometimes it's confusing as to why people do things." I said softly stroking her back.

"Haldir, don't leave me please, don't ever leave me." She said.

"I won't leave you, ever, could I try and make this day better?" I asked cupping her tear stained check. She nodded her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"I will keep you from all harm, comfort you, smile and laugh with you, go through life with you, so I ask thy, Will you court me, (Y/N)?" I asked blushing tremendously and locking my eyes with her's.

She didn't react at first which scared me then she broke out into a huge smile and locked our lips together wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her farther onto my lap.

Galadriel's P.O.V.

"See they make a perfect couple!" I exclaimed while my husband grumbled. "I already lost on child I don't want to lose another one to some March warden." He grumbled and I nudged his arm. "Oh stop it you old man, your not going to lose her." I said crossing my arms and smiling at the water below me.

"Yeah yeah." He grumbled making me chuckle and shake my head in disbelief, how could he think (Y/N) would leave us?!

Haldir's P.O.V.

I pulled away from lack of air as (Y/N) pulled away too. I smiled and rubbed my thumb across her cheekbone. She leaned into my touch and rested her forehead on mine. "Meleth Nin?" She asked. I hummed in acknowledgment.

"Let us rest, we shall have a busy day tomorrow I believe." She said and I nodded. We got up and I changed to where I was just in my trousers. (*cough abs cough*)

She changed behind a paper divider she came out in a silken nightgown of burgundy and she walked to bed and laid down I laid down next to her and she pulled my head to her chest and I smiled snuggling closer to her and nuzzling my head into the crease of her neck.

"Goodnight Meleth Nin." I heard her whisper softly.

"Goodnight Meleth Nin." I replied softly our legs tangled together, our dreams peaceful.

So I'm planning on making separate books for each race like a book for elves and a book for dwarves etc.

Skinchangers and wizards will be put together and orcs and goblins will have a separate book as well (no romance with orcs or goblins but like something like Azog x adopted daughter x character

Tell me what you think!

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