Legolas x reader

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to a very good friend of mine, MiddleEarth111
A lot has been thrusted onto her and other things. I wanted to see if I could put a little joy into her day with this chapter!

Warning:Fluff, and fatherly Leggy

Legolas sat at the kitchen table bouncing your son, (S/N), on his knees and smiling at the babbling noises your child made.

Legolas watched as, (S/N) grabbed a small strand of hair that lay on his shoulder and yanked it, but since your son was so little it barely had an effect his ada.

You stood at the hearth cooking dinner for you all and shook your head at your son who was trying hard to 'irritate' his ada. Legolas wanted to help you cook, he really did, but he couldn't. He'd probably burn down the house if he tried which wouldn't be to good.

You and Legolas had moved into the more peaceful and secluded area of Mirkwood and built your house and had your family.
Thranduil your father-in-law was happy for you all but at the same time irritated for his son and daughter-in-law leaving the safety of the Mirkwood Halls.

"Naneth!" A small voice sounded out and down the stairs came your daughter, (D/N).

Your daughter had gotten all your features other than her eyes which she took after Legolas while your soon had your hair and the rest he took after Legolas.

"What is it my flower?" You asked crouching down to her level. "Can me and ada go practice archery?" She asked bouncing on her heels.

Ever since your daughter had turned 11 she was always interested in archery and you wouldn't deny her happiness.

"Of course my little one just be home for dinner." You said kissing her forehead. You walked over to Legolas as your daughter fetched her bow and arrow. You took, (S/N) from, Legolas and propped him on your hip.

"Be back for dinner this time." You said sternly but with gentle smile kissing his forehead softly.

Legolas smiled and pecked your lips and then grabbed, (D/N) after she ran by and headed out the door.

You smiled as you walked to the window seeing them head into the forest a little following a dirt path and then stopped a little ways in the Legolas bent down positioning your daughter in the right angle then tilting her bow up a little and then watched as joy overtook your daughters face and she cheered. She jumped into her ada's arms and he hugged her tightly smiling proudly at her.

You smiled and walked back over to the hearth and continued making dinner while keeping, (S/N) propped on your hip.

(S/N) played with you hair and babbled what you assumed where his making of words. He eventually grew tired and fell asleep in your arm. You kissed his forehead walking quietly up the stairs and to his nursery. You opened the door and walked to his crib placing him in it. You brushed a soft (H/C) strand from his face and then walked away back downstairs.

You finished dinner, finally, and set the table. You lit some more candles for light and then put the food on the table. You had made a delicious (F/S) and set it in the center.
((F/S)=Favorite soup, if you don't have one then just pretend).

You walked upstairs to your son's nursery and found him sitting up in his crib playing with his stuffed elk Legolas had gotten him. You leaned on the doorframe smiling at your son. You couldn't have asked for a better life, a better family.

You didn't even care for the title you got for marrying Legolas just having him was enough and since your newest additions it was even more surreal.

Arms wrapped around your waist and a gentle kiss was placed to your neck making you smile. "(D/N) is already eating. She also hit the center of the target." Your husband said as his chin rested against your head.

"Did she now." You said smirking and leaning back into him. A soft chuckle made his chest vibrate against your chest. "She may take after you appearance wise but she takes after my love of archery." He said proudly.

You turned around in his arms and flicked his nose. "Perhaps we have a daddy's girl and maybe a mommy's boy." You said looking back at your soon he was holding onto the crib's railing and bouncing slightly while babbling.

You walked over and picked him up as he immediately snuggled into you, his little hands grasping your hair gently. "Perhaps we do." Legolas said coming next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist and pulling you and his sun close to you.

Legolas looked up and saw your daughter standing in the doorway and he motioned for her to come over and she did and climbed up her ada's legs into his arms which made you all chuckle.

"My perfect family. I wouldn't trade it for anything." You said smiling.

"Our beautiful family of four." Legolas said smiling making you chuckle.

"Have I said something funny Meleth nín?" Legolas asked raising an eyebrow. "No you are just mistaken. Our beautiful family of FIVE." You said smiling while Legolas took a moment to comprehend what you said.

"Truly?" He asked after a moment and you nodded in clarification and a proud smile stretched across his face and he had a dreamy look in his eyes.

"I'm going to be a big sister to another?" (D/N) asked and you nodded as she squealed with delight.

Your beautiful family of five.

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