Legolas x reader

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A/N:This is dedicated to my dear friend MiddleEarth111 I hope you enjoy! (Also this song is everything)

The pain was unbearable. You had twisted your left ankle in a hole in the forest ground. It was swelling and it hurt to apply any type of pressure.

You were so close to your home inside, Lothlorien. You felt hopeless, defenseless, and weak. You had your sword, yes. But still it was no good if you couldn't walk let alone run.

That was when you heard faint voices nearby. They didn't sound hostile. You decided this was your chance to get help so you shouted.

"Hello?!" You called out loudly and the vices ceased. "Please. I need help!" You called out again. The word 'help' also tastes sour on your tongue. Always one to never want help unless there was no other way.

"I-I twisted my ankle and I can't walk!" You shouted out again. You didn't hear any footsteps or voices so you thought they were leaving you. "Please...don't leave me here." You whimpered and closed your eyes.

That's when the bushes to your right started rustling and two short men popped out. They looked to be hobbits.

"Aragorn! It's a She-elf!" One shouted and then one man and an elf stepped out. You sighed in relief and leaned your head against the tree trunk behind you.

"Legolas, you're our elf go help her." Aragorn spoke softly, yet your elf ears still picked up the words.

Legolas walked toward you he had a gentle smile on his face and he bent down on his knees to become your height.

Upon further study he had long blonde, almost white, hair. Beautiful azure eyes and his defined jawline. He was perfect in every way yet you didn't know him fully so you suffocated your affections.

"What is your name?" He spoke in your mother tongue. "(Y/N)." You answered.
"How did you end up here?"

You and him exchanged words in your mother tongue until you felt comfortable enough to let him carry you the rest of the way to, Lothlorien. And thankfully they were going there too so you weren't disturbing their adventure.

Legolas put one arm under your knees and the other across the middle of your back before picking you up with ease. Being an elf meant you're light and him being an elf meant you were even lighter to him.

Your (H/L) (H/C) hair blew softly in the wind and your (E/C) orbs often took glances of the elf carrying you.

Soon you arrived in Lothlorien and the dwarf was mumbling to himself that was when another elf, intact your brother, Haldir appeared and other elves had arrows pointing at the dwarf.

"A dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot them in the dark." He says then noticed you in the elf's arms.

"Why do you carry my sister?" He Asked in Elvish. "He helped me. I twisted my ankle and he brought me back." You answered.

Soon the others were able to get in Lothlorien while a healer came and took you from, Legolas.

As the day went on you soon found yourself sitting in the library reading a book about far off lands and daring adventures.

"My lady, someone wishes to see you." Said a guard and you nodded. "Let them in." You said.

A few moments after that, legolas came in and  he smiled softly at you before coming and sitting next to you.

"How are you feeling?" He asks. "I'm feeling much better. I never got to tell you thank you. For helping me and all." You said looking up at him with a smile.

"It was no problem. Plus you did help us a little I believe. Seeing as you told your brother that I helped you, I think that helped him to trust us just a little more." He said and you nodded. "From what you told me, you're on a quest?" You asked and be nodded.

"To destroy the one ring." He answered. "I wish you all the luck in the world then, Mellon." You whispered.

Legolas, feeling comfort and at ease around you, grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers with his. You smiled not finding it odd at all and squeezed his hand back, looking up into his eyes, him looking down at you.

"Thank you." He breathed out.

As the night went on you found yourself with your back against the armrest and Legolas with his head on your chest his legs tangled with yours, him being careful of your ankle.

You ran your fingers through his hair and he hummed in approval. Without words, you both knew he would come back after the ring was destroyed and you would welcome him. Opening your arms and letting him rush into them.

It felt like a lifetime before you saw Legolas again. Hearing rumor that he was in Gondor with Aragorn, the new king, you decided to ride to Gondor and meet him there surprising him.

You knew he would've come back to Lothlorien but after all he had been through the least you could do is go to him.

So here you are standing behind lord Elrond waiting to surprise Legolas after Arwen and Aragorn are reunited with one another.

Once they are out of the way Arwen looks back at you and nods making some people confused.

You step out from behind Elrond and your eyes immediately found Legolas' wide ones. You walked toward slightly and opened your arms letting him rush into them and pick you up swinging you around with joy.

"O' how I've missed you, legolas." You finally say after he puts you down.
"You have no idea how much I'VE missed you." He says and then crashes his lips onto yours.

You smiled and wrap your arms around his neck and he dips you down slightly.

Finally pulling away for air you stare into each other's eyes.

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