Thranduil x Dragonfire!reader pt2

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"We gather here today to see that these two souls become one." Spoke Gandalf.

That's right Gandalf was going to wed Thranduil and I.

"I'm going to skip the niceties and get straight to the 'I do's'." Said Gandalf making everyone chuckle.

"Do you Thranduil, King of Mirkwood take (Name) (Last Name) to be your wife, through sickness and in health, poor and in wealth, old and young, weak and strength?" Asked Gandalf.

"I do, I do." Thranduil said his once cold gaze now warm and comforting.

"Do you (Name) (Last Name) take Thranduil, King if Mirkwood to be your husband, through sickness and in health, poor and in wealth, young and old, weak and strength?" Asked Gandalf and I nodded.

"Yes, yes I do." I said smiling up at him. My white dress with starlight gems shimmering in the light of He torches and my eyes watery, as well as Thranduil's. He wore a silver tunic with royal blue and purple robes.

"I now pronounce you Husband and wife, King and queen of Mirkwood!" Gandalf Shouted the crowd roaring with delight even the dwarves where smiling.

I wrapped my arms around Thranduil's neck and pulled him down crashing my lips onto his. He wrapped his arms around my waist and dipped me down kissing me back passionately. The sound of the crowd drained out and it was only Thranduil and I.

Thranduil pulled away breathing heavily and I as well. We stood straight up and i felt the ground slip away from me as Thranduil picked me up bridal style and walked down the aisle with me in his strong, comforting arms.

We reached our chambers and he set me down on the ground. "You get to call this chamber yours now Meleth nîn." He said lovingly. "You mean OURS." I corrected kissing his nose.

"Right OURS." He said kissed me passionately again. "You have no idea how much I love you." He whispered against my lips which sent a shiver Dow my spine.

"I think I have a hint, you did marry me after all." I spoke and then sauntered away from him swinging my hips and smirking to myself. "Why do you taunt me Meleth nîn?" He asked watching my movements.

"Because its always fun to see you in such a state." I answered and then I heard footsteps and then I was turned around to face my husband love in his eyes.

He moved my hand to his shoulder and then wrapped his much bigger hand around my other, small hand. He put his other hand on my waist and we started gliding around OUR room.

"You want to dance Meleth nîn?" He asked twirling me around. "Perhaps I do." I answered spinning around once more then retuned to his arms.

We danced in the candlelight of the room till we found our feet taking us to the balcony where we then danced in the silver light of the moon. "Oh how your beauty makes even the gold of Erebor, even the finest Mirkwood wine, dull in comparison." He whispered making me blush crimson red and I put my face into his neck embarrassed. This made sure a chuckle from Thranduil.

"Nïn lïthïac." He spoke to me and I blushed twice as much. "Nïn lïthïac?" I asked. "Why?" I asked.

"Because your beautiful, brave, intelligent, a moon among stars." He said.
"A perfect queen." He added.

"I love you more than one world can say." I said kissing him passionately and him kissing back.

Nïn lïthïac= you enchant me
Meleth nîn=my love

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