Fili/Kili/Thorin x sister/niece reader

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So many times you wanted to turn back. So many times you wanted to just give up and die on the spot. So many times you just wanted to disappear.

You're the sister of, Kili and Fili. The oldest by two hours. You might think that being the princess and heir to the throne means you have a massive amount of confidence and no self doubt. But no it's the complete opposite.

Eyes were always on you. Everyone judging your decisions and you actions to make sure you would be fit to rule one day. You heard the whispers of disapproval. Heard the whispers of jealousy and hatred.

You always put on a tough exterior trying to 'look' like a proper Durin. Every night and day you would hold in all you feelings. Keep your heart protected and try and shove the self doubt away.

This was years ago before Smaug has come and claimed you home as his. Now you wandered the wilderness. You had gotten separated from your family during the attack. You were trying to help others out when you realized you didn't see your mother, uncle, or brothers anywhere.

You had grabbed a small satchel filled with two pairs of clothes and two daggers and an axe. That was all you had time to grab.

So here you where now wandering the wilderness. You had been looking for your family everywhere never staying in the same place for to long. You soon stumbled upon a house in a meadow. I man was outside chopping wood, he towered over you and had bushy eyebrows and a lot of hair on his body.

"E-excuse me?" You asked quietly walking up to him. He didn't seem to hear you at first. "H-hello?" You spoke louder and he seemed to hear you that time.

"I was just wondering if you had seen my family. Thorin my uncle, fili and kili my brothers and Dís my mother?" You asked. "Fili has blonde hair and kili has brown hair." You have him a little more information and he didn't seem to have emotion on his face.

"I have not seen any dwarves of late other than you." He answered and you nodded. "Well thank you anyways." You said and turned to leave when he asked you something. "How long have you been traveling?" He asked and you looked back. "About three weeks." You answered. "Come stay for a few nights. You seem nice. For a dwarf." He said. You didn't know whether to be offended or thankful. You decided thankful and followed him inside.

"You can stay here, in this room. All I ask is you don't make a mess and clean up after yourself." He said and went back outside to chop wood.

You went over and sat on the side of the large bed and laid your satchel on the ground and fell backwards. "Sweet, Eru. Finally a proper rest." You breathed out.

As the evening went on you learned the mans name was Beorn and he was actually quite nice and you thanked him for his hospitality. He told you he had to go patrol his land and you nodded in understanding.

The next day you woke up early and made breakfast for him as a way to thank, Beorn.
He went out later that day and patrolled again.

You stood in the kitchen cleaning a mug when you heard shouting and a loud roar. You were about to turn around when you heard the large doors swing open then slam shut. You reached down and pulled your dagger from your boot and slowly and quietly sat the mug down and walked over to the door.

What you didn't expect was to see a band of Thirteen dwarves, a hobbit, and a wizard. You studied them more and recognized three instantly.

You dropped your dagger and it clanged on the ground. The dwarves turned around and,
Dwalin was the first to speak. "By my beard." He whispered.

Kili and Fili ran into you and you threw your arms around them. They cried into your neck and you cried into, Kili's shoulder.

"Mahal I thought I lost you forever!"
You cried your knees started to fell weak as happiness overcame you and you would have collapsed if they weren't there. "Don't go falling on us, (Y/N)." Fili said.

Finally they released you from their hug and you looked up and saw your uncle. You knew he wasn't one for showing emotions but tears were in his eyes and he opened his arms to you and you raced into them.

He wrapped his arms around you and you cried into his chest from happiness. "I missed you so much, (N/N)." Thorin whispered. (N/N):Nickname).

"And I You." You said back and finally pulled away from the hug. "What are you doing here, (Y/N)?" Fili asked and you turned around.

"I was looking for you when I stumbled upon, Beorn and after I explained I had been wondering the wilderness for a few weeks after leaving Lothlorien he welcomed me to stay a few nights." You explained. "What are you doing here?"

"We're setting out to reclaim our homeland." Bofur said and you went wide eyed. " will you defeat, Smaug?" You asked softly and looked at the company. "We will face that obstacle when it comes, lass." Balin said.

Months later

War was upon you. It was already in motion and all were fighting. Thorin had overcome the dragonsickness and now you were on an Eagle flying as fast as you could to get Radagast and Beorn.

When you returned you saw Fili and Kili's lifeless bodies and you were racing to try and save Thorin. But you were just to late. You SAW Azog plunge his 'hand' into Thorin's chest. You also saw Thorin kill Azog.

You collapsed to the ground crying as Thorin mouthed an, 'I love you' before collapsing on a rock and Bilbo rushing passed you.

When everyone was back in Erebor you stood next to Thorin's grave and wept. You also made sure to visit kili and Fili's graves and pay them respect.

With them all gone, the throne was passed to you and you were now queen of Erebor.

"THE KING IS DEAD!" Gandalf shouted and then Balin came forward and raised his sword and so did he others and he shouted,


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