Lindir x wife!pregnant!reader

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(Y/N) was walking around the gardens of Imladris. Her (H/L) (H/C) flowing behind her and her (E/C) where taking in every detail of the flowers and vines she walked passed. Her long light purple dress trialing behind her and her baby bump was showing through. She was 8 months pregnant and from what the healers told her and Lord Elrond, she was having twins and she couldn't be happier.

Suddenly she felt gentle arms wrap around her and a soft kiss to her neck. She smiled and leaned back into her love.

"Hello Meleth nîn, how are you fairing today?" Lindir asked (Y/N) as he rested his chin on her stomach. "I'm doing well today Lindir, I decided to go out for a walk in the garden to get some fresh air since someone kept me in a room for almost 2 months thinking I was made of glass." She said and smirked.

"But you are precious to me my dear I cannot risk losing you or our children." Lindir said gently and kissed your bare shoulder softly.

"I promise nothing will happen my love." She whispered and then started walking again out of her husbands grasp. "Lord Elrond is reliving me of my duties before our children are born and he's giving me five months off after that." Lindir spoke walking up beside her and holding her hand.

"That's wonderful news Meleth!" She said happily and smiled brightly at him.

"Have you thought of names yet love?" Lindir asked. They decided to leave the names up to her since she did have to carry around their children for 9 months and go through the pains of labor.

"If it is a girl and a boy then I like (G/N) and (B/N) if it's both girls then (G/N) and (G/N) and if both boys then (B/N) (B/N)." (Y/N) said and stopped at a railing and looked out over Imladris.

"Those are wonderful choices my love and you know the beauty of Imladris shuns in comparison next to you." He whispered making (Y/N) blush. "Lindir don't be absurd!" She said hitting his shoulder lightly and shaking her head with a smile.

"I'm not my love. I'm stating the truth. And I'm not talking about you external beauty, though it still dims in comparison to it, I'm taking about your internal beauty. You are kind, loving, caring, selfless, funny, smart, and outgoing." Lindir said kissing her gently and she kissed back.

She pulled away and smiled looking down. "Perhaps we should retire it is almost sun down and I bet Elrond made you do more work than you've ever done in your life since your getting all those days off." She whispered and started walking back with him.

"As usual your right and your no doubt more tired than I am." Lindir said softly. "I'm actual not as tired as you expect but I'm still tired." She said chuckling and leaning her head on his shoulder as they walked.

~~~TimeSkip four month later~~~
Lindir had put you on bed rest ever since you went into your third week of being 12 months along. It was understandable the babies could come any moment and who knew being nine months pregnant was so tiring. Everything ached and Lindir was at your every command which was quite amusing seeing him run around like a chicken with their head cut off.

Lindir did allow you to walk around your bedroom and onto the balcony and to your friend's chamber that was just two doors down which you where thankful for since she was a seamstress and a mother as well.

She would often give you tips and help you with making clothing she even got her husband to work on a crib for you which you where ever grateful for. She also gave you a bunch of bottles and blankets. You couldn't thank her enough but she insisted that you take them. She didn't know anyone else who needed them and they only took up space.

You where currently sitting in a rocking chair as your friend Fäs, told you how to remain as calm as possible during labor. She told you to just breathe and focus on the joy that will come once you hold them.

As you where about to stand up and say goodbye since you where having extreme pains in your lower back and wanted to lay down you felt a warm liquid slide down you legs.

"Fäs..." you said slightly panicked and she looked up and noticed you slightly panicked voice. "I think the babies are coming." You said and she immediately stood up and rushed to the door as you panted in the rocking chair and held you stomach.

"Lindir! Famal Cälor, voril!" She Shouted three maids came rushing and Fäs gave them each a job. Famal was to inform the healers. Cälor was to get your chambers ready for when the babies came back.
Voril was to help you get to the healers.

Lindir came dashing down the hall, you would've thought he was being chased by dwarves, he would've almost missed the room if it wasn't for the maids.

Lindir rushes passed the maids and inside to your side you held his hand as he crouched by your side whispering comforting words into your pointed ears.

Voril, and Lindir helped you to the healing wing and Voril left to assist Cälor. Lindir started to get pushed out of the room and panic spread through him even more he used all his strength and pushed passed the healers and to your side holding your hand.

After many hours of blood curdling screams and hand squeezes (Lindir's hand may never recover) two high pitched wails erupted and it wasn't from you.

You felt weak and tired and had lost more than a lot of blood your head lolled back and your eyes rolled back.

"(Y/N)!" Lindir shouted panicked more than ever now. "(Y/N)!" He screamed again.

"No don't leave me..." he pleaded and brought your hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on your skin.

Hahaha! Your just gunna have to wait for part 2! Haha!

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