Aragorn x reader

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This was requested by hufflepuffturtle

Aragorn's P.O.V.
I sat next to my friend Legolas as I waited for our guest to arrive. She would be singing for our kingdom.

I was told I would be impressed but that remained to be seen so I waited for the time to come.

I was wearing a regular tunic and my hair had been washed and brushed. My tunic was a dark green and my pants where a dark brown.

Legolas, as usual, was sitting next to me making me look average. Damn perfect elves. But he was my friend so I held no grudge.

"Your making me look bad legolas." I joked. "Hmm no wonder no ladies have talked to you tonight." He said smirking. "Did legolas Thranduilion Just sass me?" I asked faking hurt. "Maybe he did." Legolas said raising an eyebrow. 

The candles around us seemed to shine brighter than usual and the men rowdier than ever. Some might even sayers drunk.

The walls of the old tavern where in a decent condition and the people didn't seem to care.

As man walked out onto the small stage in front of us.
"Pleas welcome (Name) (last name)!" They said and everyone clapped and cheered.

A woman came out onto the stage her long waist length (Hair Color) hair flowed down her back like a waterfall. Her entrancing (eye color) eyes locked with mine momentarily.

She walked to the front where her long Elven dress of metallic purple changed from a dark green to a dark blue in the light of the candles but you could always see the purple in it. She wore diamond jewelry and a blue ruby circlet.

"Eł Eärello,"
(Out of the great sea)

"Endorenna utúlíen,"
(To Middle-Earth I am come)

"Sínome maruvan,"
(In this place I will abide)

"At híldínyar,"
(And my heirs)

"Tenn' Ambar- metta."
(Unto the ending of the world.)

As she finished singing I was left awestruck. No maiden had come into my kingdom and sing so beautifully. My heart fluttered loudly in my ears and I'm surprised knife ears next to me didn't hear it.

She walked off the stage some men catcalling her and some wolf whistled and one even threw a gold coin at her which she didn't acknowledge.

~later that evening in the gardens~

I was walking in the gardens when I heard the song the woman sang at the tavern. Same voice. Check. Same song. Check.

It must be her, I thought as I walked on the missy stones of the garden. The moons light shining over the grey mountains adorned with snow at their peaks.

The cold wind not bothering me and the various flowers around me made my hand instinctively brush against them softly as I walked to the owner of the voice.

I found the woman from earlier standing at the 3 foot wall of stone her hands resting lightly on it.

"M'lady, your show was beautiful." I spoke softly making her turn her head with a smile. "Thank you kind sir." She said softly.

"What is your name?" I asked, "my name is (Name), What might yours be sir?" She asked.

"My Name is Aragorn." I answered.

We talked and shared stories through the evening when she suddenly yawned and stood up. "It is quite late I think I'm going to retire to my chambers." She said softly.

"Will you allow me to escort you there?" I asked and she nodded.

I linked my arm with hers and we started walking back through the garden with mostly (Name) leading them.

We walked through the winding halls and paths till we reached her room.

"Thank you Aragorn." She said and I nodded my head then...

(Name)'s P.O.V.
"Thank you Aragorn." I said and He nodded his head then...then he kissed me.

I don't know where his sudden courage came from but I'm glad it came.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. His hands found home in my hair and I wrapped him legs around his waist.

He held me up my back against the wall and my heart quickening.

We pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. "(Name), I think I love you." He said softly.

"I think I love you too." I whispered back and rested my head on his and he sat me down and we embraced.

Years had passed since that night and we where happily married with two children both girls and Aragorn had just got back from a hunt when orcs broke into our house.

I ran to my children's room and told them to run as far and as fast as possible from the hour. They did.

I grabbed my sword and ran down stairs fighting off the orcs with my husband.

I saw a blade about to be torn through Aragorn's shoulder and I jumped in front of him pushing him away and the blade piercing my chest and barely missing my heart. Barely.

I stabbed the orc through his chest and Aragorn fought off the rest and then rushed to my side.

"(Name)!" He said cradling me in his arms. Tears streamed down his perfect face as I whispered something in elvish to him.

He nodded and rushed out of the house and to the neighboring kingdom to put house. Imladris.

Minutes passed when elves came into our house with Elrond and Aragorn.

Elrond came over to me and knelt down.

"Aragorn, it is to late." He spoke softly making Aragorn break down crying. "I'm sorry Mellon nîn." He said standing up and patting Aragorn on the back.

The elves left and Aragorn cradled me and I kissed him softly and then let go my last breath drawing and the last words I heard where 'I love you mother.' From my two children that had gotten back from sometime in between the mayhem.

We where soon reunited in Valinor. my children where the last to come to Valinor.

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