Legolas x reader

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So this was requested by the lovely
arwen_galadriel and I also wanted to thank them for all the lovely comments they have blessed my book with!

On with da story!

Legolas' P.O.V

We where just leaving Moria with eight companions. Sadly our wizard, Gandalf has fallen while fighting the balrog.

I watched as we exited the cave and I saw (Y/N) walking with the crying hobbits I saw her eyes become watery and her body shake. I knew she was trying to stay strong for the hobbits and everyone else.

Even I had watery eyes. I watched as she sat them down for a moment whipping away their tears treating them as sad children in the moment, 'Valar she would be a great mother.' Wait what am I thinking?! She probably doesn't even want kids. And if she did it wouldn't be with me. Obviously.

"LEGOLAS. Get them up!" Aragorn Shouted. "GIVE THEM A MOMENT FOR PITTY SAKE!" Boromir Shouted back. "By nighttime these hills will be crawling with orcs!" Aragorn shot back.

"Aragorn give them just a few seconds." (Y/N) spoke softly and then she gathered the hobbits around as Aragorn sighed knowing it was pointless to argue with her.

That's another thing I loved about her. She was kind and always put others before her, if you argue with her you'll never win, and Valar she was persistent.

She spoke softly to the hobbits which my elf ears heard as normal talking.

"Gandalf would want you all to carry on, stay strong, I'll give you third breakfast tomorrow." She said and the hobbits smiled softly then they stood and she walked with them down the mountainside.

Aragorn led them and Boromir was at the end while I walked behind the hobbits and (Y/N).

Her (H/C) hair was blowing in the wind and her (S/C) skin was glowing almost it seemed.

After many hours and miles walked we finally got the 'mother hen' (aka Aragorn) to let us set up camp.

She sat across from me the fire making her eyes sparkle and her hair and skin glow.

She was carving something into her bow with her Steele dagger.

The hobbits where still mourning and l inside was as well.

Aragorn just stared into the fire and smiled his pipe.

Boromir was trying to cheer up the hobbits by telling them stories about himself that where taller than his ego. (No hate on Boromir).

I finally got up and walked over to (Y/N) and sat next to her looking over her shoulder at what she was carving.

"You can just ask what I'm doing leggy." She teased at me making me blush bright red but the fire made it harder to see.

"S-sorry just didn't want to disturb you." I mumbled.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"S-sorry just didn't want to disturb you." Legolas mumbled.

I watched his blonde hair turn a darker shade in the fire and his blue eyes waltz over my carving which I soon hand to him.

I won't lie. I had deep feelings for Legolas but knowing elves only loved once I didn't think I had a chance. Especially since I was the daughter of Beorn. Yes I was a skinchanger no one knew yet.

And I highly doubt Thranduil would let me even court his soon nonetheless marry him since I wasn't royal-I mean I guess I am Skinchanger royalty since I am the only other skinchanger besides my father. Oh well still not going to happen.

I looked over at Legolas and found him starring at me with an intense gaze and I waved a hand in front of his face.

He snapped out of it and what I thought I saw was a blush but could've been the fire.

Legolas sighed. "Follow me after a few moments." He whispered into my ear and told the others he was going to collect more firewood.

After a few moments I stood up and told them I had to go to the bathroom and walked into the forest. I found Legolas a few feet in and he motioned me to follow.

"What are you hiding that the rest of the Fellowship can't know knife ears?" I asked crossing my arms.

But he didn't answer with words instead backed me up into a tree and smashed his lips onto mine.

He put my hands above my head and pressed his chest to mine.

I was in such shock that I didn't even do anything till he pulled away.

He stared at me wide eyed. "Forgive me (Y/N) t-that was com-completely inappropriate of me." He spoke as he went to walk away but I grabbed his wrists and pulled him back to me kissing him passionately.

His eyes fluttered close and he wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck. My heart was beating faster than Radagast's rabbits could run. I felt like I was on cloud nine.

Legolas' P.O.V.

As I stuttered out my apology I felt her hand wrap around my wrist and pull me to her.

She smashed her lips onto mine and my eyes immediately fluttered close and I wrapped my arms around her waist as she snaked her arms around my neck.

One of my hands made its way to her hair getting tangled in it but she didn't seem to mind.

I felt my heart start to race and pound against my rib cage. I picked her up and put her back to the tree to keep her up.

We pulled away and she smiled down at me. "Well that was unexpected." (*cough hobbit ref cough*) I said and smiled at her as she gazed down to me and wrapped her legs around my waist to make holding her up easier.

"Shall we return to the Fellowship hand in hand or return separately?" She asked and I smirked. "I heard some of them make bets. I'm ready to see those coin bags be tossed." I Spoke.

She chuckled and nodded I let her down and we wrapped our hands around each other's and walked back to camp and she's enough their went each other's coin bags. "TOLD YOU ASSGORN!" Gimli Shouted at Aragorn who rolled his eyes.

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