Teased!Legolas x reader

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This was Requested by MiddleEarth111
I hope you like it!

Legolas's P.O.V.

I watched as she walked off into the woods to collect fuel for or soon to be dying fire. "Will (Y/N)'s last name be GreenLeaf soon?" Aragorn teased me and I rolled my eyes.

"First off, my last name isn't GreenLeaf, It's Thranduilion." I corrected with an irritated tone.

"Well then will her name be (Y/N) Thranduilion soon?" Aragorn mused.

"Why do you taunt me Mellon, I thought we're friends?" I shot back and kicked Aragorn's foot will mine to tell him to stop.

"Noodle legs." Aragorn said chuckling.

"I could outrun you any day twig." I mused and looked at him.

"But you couldn't outrun your love for (Y/N)." Aragorn said and I blushed and kicked him harder.

"Hey!  I'm just saying, you look like your on cloud nine while watching her." Aragorn said.

"You make it sound like I stalk her." I said. "You kinda do, I mean, your like her guardian angel in a way." Aragorn said and I grumbled.

"If you don't get the guts to tell her soon I will." Aragorn said standing up to help (Y/N) carry the fire wood she has brought when she, moments later, emerged from the woods.

"Here let me take that for you." Aragorn said and took the fire wood from (Y/N) and she nodded at him in thanks and then she came and sat next to me.

"Legolas, dear, are you alright your red?" She asked looking at my face.

"I'm fine just the cold nipping at my face." I replied. "Legolas I know elves aren't effected by the cold. You where under a mound of snow earlier in the journey and came out with the same skin tone you had beforehand." (Y/N) said and I blushed more. Valar she was smart.

"I-Don't worry about it I'm fine." I said and she gave me a questioning glance and then stood up walking over to the hobbits to talk to them.

"Look she even worries about you." Aragorn said leaning on my shoulder which resulted in me moving my body and him falling on his butt.

"Oh come on Legolas, what do your elf eyes see, because you definitely see something in her." Aragorn taunted.

I tensed up and ground my teeth together.

"Aragorn I will get sam's spoon and smack you with it." I threatened which one made him laugh.

Reader's P.O.V.

"So, you like Legolas?" Frodo asked me. I blushed and nodded. "What If he likes you back?" Asked Sam.

"Even if he did, I'm a Elven ranger, I go alone and, well, he's a prince. A PRINCE." I whisper shouted the last part and put my hands on my head and then pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on knees and sighed.

"Everyone to your bedrolls. We have a long journey ahead of us." Gandalf Shouted form a bolder.

I decided I needed to rest and walked to a cliff that over looked the forest below and soon found myself next to a rather delightful presence. Legolas.

"Hello my lady." He whispered softly to me and I blushed, thankfully the night covered it up.

"My lord I deserve no such title." I said and looked at him.

He grasped my hand with his and pulled it to his chest.

"You deserve far more." He said and kissed the back of my hand.

"(Y-Y/N) I ask thy, will you court this elf?" He asked me nervously the plea in his eyes. (not to mention he was putting on the puppy eyes).

I looked down then I decided in my head my answer.

"Yes, but you must promise me we will take this slow." I said holding his hands in mine.

"Thank you, m-may I k-kiss you.?" He asked softly careful with his words as to not make me regret my answer.

"Y-yes." I replied and he slowly leaned in and placed his lips softly on mine and wrapped his arm around my waist and the other on my neck and his head titled slightly.

I leaned into him and put my hand on his cheeks and I eventually pulled away for air.

"Meleth, let us return to camp and rest." Legolas suggested and I nodded in agreement and stood up helping him up.

We returned to camp hand in hand the only ones up where Gandalf and Aragorn.

"Finally got the balls did we knife ears?" Aragorn teased causing both of us to blush. "Only joking guys." He said smiling and smiling on his pipe.

Me and Legolas rested on our bedrolls when Legolas ushered me over to his and he sat next to me putting his arm around my waist and pulling me next to him.

"So...any little ellons or elleths going to be running around?" Aragorn mused.

"Aragorn I will give you a worse fate than that of one from Sauron." Legolas threatens.

"Fine fine." Aragorn said and rolled his eyes and got up to go to sleep. He walked to his bedroll and laid down putting out his pipe.

"Goodnight meleth." Legolas whispered into my ear and then laid back with me next to him. I put my head in his chest and fell asleep to his heart beat. Him soon following me into the land of weaving dreams.

The next morning was....eventful to say the least.

The hobbits jaw's dropped when we told them and then they suggested a THIRD breakfast as a celebration.

Boromir just smiled and shook his head feeling as though he saw this already coming hut suggested a drink but we kindly declined.

And of course Aragorn and Gandalf already knew form the night beforehand and this caused an endless amount of teasing from the one and only Aragorn.

Aragorn's teasing resulted in death glares from me and an arrow or two thrown at his head from Legolas.

Hope you enjoyed and see you next time!
Bye Mellon Nin!

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