Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

It kills me to see Rachel so upset, we've always been close and I've always been protective of her but knowing I'm the one causing all her distress is one if the worst feeling ever!

I knelt down in front of her and wiped her tears away while saying "it's okay to be nervous, everyone gets nervous but there's no need for it, especially for you because you've got the most amazing doctor ever and you just so happen to be lucky enough to live with me and eat with me and steal my phone charger when I'm not there" she smiled at the last part and grabbed hold of my hand to which I returned her smile and gave her hand a little reassuring squeeze "how about we give it a go? I'll take things really slow so you can stop me if it's too much, yeah?" She slowly stood up and then sat on the exam table
"You had problems with your eyes love?" I asked her to which she shook her head no, "it'll be a bit bright okay!" using my ophthalmoscope I took a look in her left eye and then the right and found no problems and so I moved on to her ears. I set the ophthalmoscope down and picked up my otoscope "are you deaf yet or are they all good for now?" I said smirking at her she just laughed and slapped my arm playfully "all good then?" I said to which she again just nodded. I took a look and found a slightly larger build up of wax than what was normal in her left ear but didn't want to worry her with something so small and so I just moved on the right and then to her nose, i grabbed a tongue depressor and pushed her chin up slightly so I could get a clear view "open up and say aah for me!" She reluctantly opened her mouth and eventually let out a small "aaahh" which was as good as I would get and so I took it.
"I'm gonna listen to your heart and then to your lungs okay?" She nodded slowly. I took the stethoscope off my neck and positioned it just user her left breast and under her too so I could listen clearly. Her heart rate was far too quick and so I wanted to try and calm bet down a bit while listening
H- "how's school en smell? Still duller than me?"
R- "actually I'm acing all my exams ok mr I'm a genius"
I smiled realising that she was starting to calm down as this is the real Rachel, with her quick come backs and sassy remarks, at least I know she's getting there
"Okay deep breaths in and then back out okay?" She nodded and smiled
I listened to the front if her chest and then the back, "and one more for me chick, that's great" I took my stethoscope out and put it back around my neck.
"Almost down now love, just need you to lay down and lift your top up for me to check your stomach"
Surprisingly she did it without hesitation and so I quickly felt her abdomen asking "is it sore or painful anywhere?" to which the answer was always no and so I took a quick listen and told her she could come back over by the desk for a moment.

I sat down and completed the basic information needed on the computer and then realised that I should have read the whole thing before starting the exam because i now have to do something that she will never agree to, a blood test, just my luck

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