Part : PREFACE-The beginning of bitter

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"I will not have you fucking be with him! "Chad screamed at Aurora, tears running down his perfectly sculpted face. His brown eyes digging into her soul. "I love you woman, you,and only you!"

He had her cornered on a wall outside of her dorm room, both his hands opposite her, as he looks into her eyes and professes his undying love.He needed her to see that he loved her. That his mistakes do not define him.

'Undying love' Aurora thought in that moment, 'had thought it to be undying before now, before...' she mocked in her thoughts, but she was watching it die, right in front of her.

"Yes, I cheated on you Rory. I'm not gonna lie." He cries, and Aurora was crying too.In love she was indeed. " But that was when I was mad at you.You were always arguing about something, and I just fucked them to blow off steam, they meant nothing to me."

At his words Aurora could feel every novel she'd ever written, read or heard, every romance movie ever watched or cried over, every song ever written and pined over, every ounce of her that believed in love, breaking into bits.
She cried And shove his chest away from her And he stumbled And fell to the ground, looking up at her in shock And agony. He knew he'd lost her, so he stayed on the floor, defeated and just watched as she walked away, tears in her eyes and heart at her feet. She walked all over her love, her feelings, her humanity, stepping on it harder with every staircase she went up as if it were a tangible thing.And as she got to her room door, she left her shoes on the welcome mat, as if her feelings were at the bottom of her shoes and she didn't want it to enter her room.Aurora had had it!

And there is where it begun, Aurora's hate for love.How could it be so good, but so bad she'd ask herself? So great a feeling, but one to cause monumental pain?
Maybe it was just her luck and choice of men Aurora thought.But How could this be true, when all her exes, and all her mother's exes, and her grandma's exes and all the exes of the world had their hearts broken by someone or the other, for some great or dumb reason or the other. What was she to do? Did the world of people who had broken hearts simply just choose badly? Or was it that they chose at all?

She walked away from Chad that night, with a hole in her heart, tears in her eyes and her pride shot down by twenty four bullets; for each month she was with Chad.
The resentment it bred, not just for men, but for love, would render her heart useless to her for the years to come. It was an organ she ignored, as it didn't growl like her stomach when she got hungry, or cramp her like her bladder when it was full...she could successfully ignore it she thought, and that is exactly what Aurora did for the next four years of her life.

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