Part 34: Full Circle

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I'm home alone, and it's been a while since I've had this quiet. This peace in a place I cannot call home. I've washed off this afternoon's sweet carnal activities with Bash, and am now laying in bed with my phone, scrolling mindless through different apps to tire my eyes. My mind is tormented with thoughts though, thoughts of Bash's mood today. He seemed off. The sex, as usual was otherworldly, and his fake smiles brighter than ever when thoughts of Elijah invade his mind and stake claim of his better senses. Usually his mood would shift to jealousy, but today all I saw was sadness. If I didn't know him for so long, I'd think he was aiming to give up on us. I'd be waiting for him to set himself free from this madness.

I smile to myself as the comforting fact that, that is not Sebastian soothes my heart. He is an overthinker by nature and I will not let the fact that we are now together change how I think about him doing that. He needs to comb through his thoughts and analyze every fine detail. That's what makes him such a great architect and one of the top of his field so young. It's what made him a great friend, and now, a great lover. He is thoughtful, though and through.

I close my eyes, allowing sleep to drown my reality. Waiting for that man to come to bed so I can start my glares and stares at him while he sleeps... well he'd have to get home first. I glance over at the clock. It's just a bit past nine. I honestly don't time him, the longer he's away the better. But each time he's away for long, I regret hurrying away from Bash too soon. If only there was a way to know. Why we have to sleep in the same bed is also ridiculous! Why I have to endure the snores of my parent's killer nightly, see his face meter's from my own, must be a punishment from the gods for fucking him in the first place! I asked him if it was possible that we sleep separately the night of our "wedding" and he assured me that spies do come through a day or two before the committee comes to vet us.

I tisk, and close my eyes, finally fading into sweet slumber. I resort to thoughts of the unexpected capture of my heart. Bash's face invades my mind and I can see as clear as day, the sun highlighting his hazel-grey eyes through the window of my old bedroom, while he stares devilishly up at me from in between my legs. The thought causes me to smile.

"Wife,"I hear by the door and I'm startled from my sweet thoughts, sitting up in bed as I regain my senses. Elijah stood there in all black, seemingly soaked by the rain that was on earlier. I look at him ,puzzled. I knew my questions were obvious in my eyes, but he knew better than to answer them. Curiosity killed the cat, and I've learned from prying in his mind the other day, that I simply do not want to know. He is leaned against the door frame, both hands in the front pockets of his black jeans. His eyes filled with desire as he looked at me. The silence was deafening and torturesome. A part of me wanted him to speak and the other wanted him to go away! I mean, anything would beat this awkward staring match. "You are so beautiful when you do not know I am around,"

Well...I can believe that. Since I make every effort to not let him forget that I do not like him anymore. But lately, a part of me feels I owe him something. Like I owe him my life, and I do. But the bitch in me keeps reminding me of logics, he's taken lives from me, almost took mine, and got em in a relationship with him under the guise that he was something he wasn't, and he has forbidden you to be with Bash, even though he knows you will never love him after all of the above-

Stop it! My subconscious glares at me. You know damn well regardless of all the bad, he doesn't have to be doing any of what he's doing for you right now. He could have had sex with you the other day, but didn't and he's also putting up with your frost bitten shoulder every day for the last five months just to keep you alive! Sure you could argue that if he'd just stayed away from you to begin with none of this would have happened,and you could also argue that he didn't tell you about his second life for this very reason, but what's done is done, and he can't fix taking your parents away, but at least the sick bastard can right this wrong.

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