Part 35: A strange place to be

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So far, so good. It's been three months since I've sent Sebastian away and  through helping her grieve,  in a way she's become more open to me. It's funny how she hasn't even questioned that I may have something to do with it. I suppose since she has no clue I knew of their affair, she assumes I'd  have no motive to carry out such a scheme. She's resumed her normal life and I have tracked every bit of it with Reese providing me with updates. I've even received updates on Sebastian who has ended up in Chad. The poor bastard had ended up in one of the poorest countries in the world, whose people depend on crops, salt and red clay for trade. This place is haunted by violence, constant terrorist attacks and poverty. They live in thatch houses made of  clay and straw in the middle of a fucking desert. He has no way to contact home, or any money to his name. The Chadians have no access to modernization and it's perks.He's found himself royally fucking fucked. I understand that since my company has erased his identity and  frozen his accounts even if he does manage to escape the desert, he will have no money or even a name. His will has left everything to Gabrielle to receive a year after his death, how fucking touching. The system doesn't  show him as dead or missing just yet since I have to make that call. I don't know why I haven't yet, I'm  a man of odd honour, so since he's not dead, I'm not gonna fill out a form to say he is until he is. Until I have decided if he lives or not...or if I decide to let him suffer a little longer.

I smile as the thought brings warmth.  I can remember a time when I had this much fun!
 The thought of him scrambling for survival brings me sick pleasure that I can only admit to myself. Rory on the other hand, I can see her trying to forget him. I can also see her anger boiling inside her as she struggles to figure out why she's  been so unlucky with love. First her parent's, died by my doing and that love lost will never ever come back. Then Chad, broke her heart by breaking in some new pussy every now and then like new shoes. Then her son dies in the care of that same man. Then me…

I scoff, 

Me...the murderer, who charmed her out of her shell...and her panties. Followed by the best friend turned lover who has run off with the woman he spent months with on an exotic island and fell in love with as far as she knows. It's quite a tragic story. The part of me that still loves and cares for her is almost saddened. But the dirty, mucky,  slimy parts of myself want to see them both suffer, like I'm suffering. And on top of that I still can't fucking find Georgia! That woman is really showing up my lack of focus these days on the job, and Copper has been up my ass with not being able to carry out the contract for all these months. He understands  that she is one of us and thus will be more elusive, but his patience is still growing thin with me. Not to mention the fact that I feel like he's figuring out my marriage was a ploy to protect Aurora. If he finds reason to doubt me, I will be dead. As much as he raised me in the world I know, but look at what he's ordered me to do to G...and he raised her too.

I sigh, feeling the weight suddenly sinking on my chest. I have to find her and soon or it'll be the end of us all. Especially since I want to be over and done with this arrangement. I want to fulfill my end of the deal to Aurora and I need to get Georgia off the map. Both my ex and my "wife" have my brain wrapped in a perfect noose, and it is suffocating. 
Saturday evenings have never felt so restless. I know the only reason that is, is because she's home. Though she's  alone in the living room and I'm out here on the balcony, sitting shirtless in my grey sweatpants just soaking in the sun, lost in thought. This is how it is on the weekends when we are forced to be in the same space for the whole day. She talks to me more, as per our arrangement to be civil and Bash's absence, but it still isn't  as it was before. I harbour a lot of resentment toward her for breaking my rules... for breaking my heart. Yet,the thought of her locked up in the room hurting because I've taken something from her, though she had not a clue, still makes me slightly uneasy. I feel like I know her pain too much to be adding to it, but at the same time my principles won't let me let up. Half of me, the side  my mother and father raised in church knows better, but the side Copper had a hand in, just sees blood. I hear  a knock at the door that shakes me from my thoughts and I get up to answer it. 

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