Part 18- When She Lies With Lies.

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               'I'm in a relationship' I repeat to myself, mentally as I wake up to a note from Elijah on his pillow saying 'You look so beautiful when you sleep, I'll be back soon', that is making me blush super hard right now. I feel like a child, a silly little, giddy headed child. I feel myself slipping and falling every day that I am with him. We are in Spain right now, for a week's vacation. After four long, happy months, officially titled and together, he booked us a stay in this wonderful hotel called Hotel Barcelona 1882. It is magical here. I can't tell you the last time I took a trip or had a vacation, much less one to Spain! It is beautiful here, mind you, I don't speak a bit of Spanish! The entire setting reminds me of an old English novel I read. I believe it was a Jane Austen novel...or maybe it was one of the Brontë sisters. Either way, it felt magical, almost fantastical being here. The room is huge, and all white, our huge four-post, king-size bed, with the world's most comfortable mattress, as far as I am concerned alone is worth the stay here.

I get up and stretch, looking down at my naked body. My breasts were sore from all that sex last night. I am exhausted. but happy. Getting up out of bed, I reach for the rob that I have thrown over the dresser, absentmindedly as Elijah attacked my pussy coming from the bathroom. The memory of his gripping my thighs as sinking me on his dick made my bite my lip. Oh, Rory who have you become? WILD! 

I smile at myself in the huge dresser mirror.

As the evening dawns, I showered and flung on a  blue, wrap dress that hugged my body, and my Fenty flip flops with the black fur on top. I did a twist out from yesterday with my hair, that survived all that sweaty sex last night...thank God! I am overall comfortable...just waiting on Elijah to come back from where ever he went. I miss him, it's been...

I look down at my watch,

seven hours since I've been awake, and he was gone even before then.  I wonder what he's up to, or why he hasn't called? Sitting on the couch, I turn on the tv to watch reruns of The View. I try to get distracted by Whoopi Goldberg and her opinions that usually oppose her whit cohosts and entertain the heck out of me, but my mind keeps going back to Elijah...I wonder if he is okay? What if my efforts to not be clingy are gonna come back to bite me in the ass later?

I just hope he's fine and I am overreacting.

Taking up my phone, I dial Bash's number, as it rings my heart beats faster, I haven't spoken to him in weeks. I have been so caught up with my 'new' life, this 'new' Rory and all this new chapter have to offer, with my new man, I just... thought I needed to just be in the moment with him.

"Rose."He whispers, sounding kind of sick.

My brows furrow.

"What's the matter?"

"Oh nothing, just coming down with a little cold," he sighs, "I miss you, Rose."

I smile.

"I miss you too, Bash, I'll be back soon, Sunday dinner?" I suggest with a giddy voice.

"You bet."He chuckles.

The line goes silent for a few seconds. I really wanted to ask so many questions. Sherice has her baby, it was a girl. She's got her little family now like she wanted, and I really don't know how much he cares or doesn't care about her or that news for that matter. So I am indecisive about bringing it up.

"How are ya'll doing, is he, Uhm, treating you good?"He asks, and I can hear the hate for him under his attempts to sound pleasantly interested.

"He is amazing, we are amazing, Bash I am feeling things I haven't self in years, and I don't just mean his dick, "I laugh out. Bash sighs heavily on the other end.

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