Part 30: Grateful she wrote

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Rory Rose

It's my wedding day.

I take a deep breath, as I look at myself in the white dress I envisioned myself in as a child. It was beautiful. A masterpiece of silk and lace, that hugged my curves and cascaded into a short train about seven inches behind me. It's a bit different from the one I picked out earlier this year. Elijah had said he told the lady to keep it on hold, but I said to him I was no longer interested  in the dress. He was confused, but didn't  argue with me. That dress represented me, getting  married to the man I was in love with, the man I knew... this different.

I sigh, fixing the small straps on my shoulder.  Damn, I'm so thin. I've been so stressed out and I haven't  been  eating. A part of me wishes I could just starve myself to death so I wouldn't  have to go through with this sham of a wedding!

How did I ever get myself into this mess?
Gabe is trying her  hardest to be supportive, and I get that she's  trying to make it all a bit easier, get me to see the good in it...I'm saving us. A human fucking sacrifice.  I do see it....but it doesn't  make it hurt any less. Looking at myself in the mirror, I fix the veil that was fixed in my bun at the top of my head, hanging like hair  at my shoulders. I looked nice,  I shrugged.
Although black wouldn't  have fit the occasion better.
On my wedding day I never imagined that I would be feeling such hate boil in my stomach or such sadness drenched on my face. The heaviness in my heart as the realization that I am about to marry the man who stole everything from me, to save my own skin...and my grandmother's....
I let out a heavy sigh, as if the exhale would make me feel lighter. It didn't. I glimpse at the clock above the standing mirror in my hotel room. Twenty  minutes till the service starts. Gabe has already been in here to help me get ready, and I suppose she did what she could  to calm my nerves, obviously  that didn't  work. It was let to waiting  now...for time to run out. For the clock to strike three and I make the journey down to the great room where all the guests will be waiting and my soon to be husband...with a smirk on his face. He made it a point to have a bit more people that we agreed upon for the real wedding as a way to seem legit. His boss and a few of his "colleagues" will be here to bear witness to the shit show to then file a report that the shit show was "real" and not something we all scraped together to save my ass. It made it even easier  that we did have a  venue catering and all the works  already reserved for a wedding. It was just a matter of getting the ring  on my finger and the damned paper of doom signed.I take a glance  through the window, behind the mirror, and I am almost tempted to make a run for it. Jump! Jump to my freedom! It's only the second floor...but that will be selfish. 

"You look beautiful,"I hear him behind me. I swing around to meet his gaze. His brown-hazel eyes, looked at me with so many entangled emotions that I almost  break into a sob. He's  wearing  a suit...did he come for  the wedding?

"Bash..." I manage. He smiles at me, and closed the door behind him.

"Rose," he breathes. I couldn't  help it, I run towards him and he lifts me up into a long embrace. Oh my God I missed him so much! "I thought I lost you!"

His voice trembles as he says the words,

"I thought I failed you!" He sighs with tears in his eyes.

What does he mean?

"Failed me?" I sigh, letting him go. He looks down at me, "I was the one who ran off on you,"

"Yes, but I can understand that you were overwhelmed,"he sighs.

I scoff,

"You were always the one seeing the positive in everything, "I shrug.

He frowns and takes my hand into his. His face filled with pain as he looks down at the ring on my finger.

"So, you're  marrying him," he says through gritted teeth, trying to hide his pain. Oh, Sebastian...

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