Part 9: Oh!

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I'm uneasy. We've been camping a whole day, and though I'm loving the experience in the wild with all the trees, animals, and inventing new ways to shun the mosquitoes, like lighting paper and using the smoke off the paper as a repellent in the air, I'm truly just on edge. I want to make love to this man.Badly. I need that release, that calmth of my body writhing with each thought of it, but I'm staying tough. Not pressing him about.

Well, would you look at that!My subconscious sneers at me. He was the one taunting you with sex, shoving it in your face as if you were lacking and you needed to see it. Now you see it, and he isn't even making a move. What on earth is going on in this man's head?

I don't know, but It sure is igniting a sense of regret inside me...I regret saying anything. I feel sort of stupid. I Know better than to have expectations. Especially of men. Maybe it's for the best, because I only want him physically, and it really isn't right to use people for your own selfish gain... but what if he wants that too, eventually? Then it wouldn't be selfish. He wants a relationship, and I just don't have it in me anymore to be in one.

We are both sitting by the fire side roasting sweet corns on sticks we've broken off an unfortunate tree, eyeing each other ever so often, then I'd turn away swiftly from his gaze with the arrival of the very wanted heat between my legs. Man, he's confusing me!

Maybe he was just trying to mess with my feelings all along. Maybe he wasn't serious?Maybe he's noticed the scar on my chest and is repulsed by it!

I try my best not to show my scar, let alone think about it. The last man who touched my body,Chad, was familiar with it, so it was nothing to get naked in front of him.But now, I find myself scared of the idea of nakedness. Maybe I was a fool to think I was ready all of a sudden!

Psshh! Rory, you big idiot.

"Get out of your head Aurora,"He says taking me from my tormenting thoughts, finally my eyes are stuck on him, in shock and embarrassment.He'd noticed me lost in frustrated thoughts, and I wonder if he knew the details of them.He met my gaze with such a suggestive look, that I again, look away, unable to look into his eyes for too long without the familiar heat rushing in between my legs. He is incredibly sexy right now in that grey tank top and black cargo shorts with this heavy duty boots on.All his moves on display. He looks so manly and delicious.

You are years worth of horny girl! Calm down! My subconscious warns me.

"Again, get out of your little tormented head, no good will come of you over thinking."He says sternly, "Just try and enjoy the scenery, the quiet, nature, and foster only thoughts that don't make your crinkle up your forehead." He chuckles.

Looking up at him, I take my corn off the fire and take it off the stick on a piece of paper towel.

Gosh her irks me!

I give him a sarcastic smile and take a careful bite into my hot, roasted corn.It tastes like burned wood and kerosene oil. But I don't complain. We are camping. And I am attempting to be more "out going" by the day.

Suddenly my phone rings, and I pat the pocket of my shorts that it's in in surprise.

I'm getting reception!

I take it out of my pocket in a hurry Looking at the caller I.D I realize it is Camila calling. Rolling my eyes, I sigh and answers hoping that the place was either burning down or being flooded why she was calling me on a weekend with previous plans.

"Yes Mame." I answer, my regular serious, stern attitude resuming.

"Yes, Miss Mirage, sorry to be calling you on your weekend, but I forgot to give you a message on Friday." She says sounding as nervous, as much as I sound annoyed.

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