Part 20: Wicked Reasons

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"Nothing in this goddamn manuscript makes sense!" I yell throwing the binder across my office. Camila jumps in response. I am annoyed! I am bleeding angry, I am...frustrated...and taking it out on this little girl.

I take a breath.

"Leave, and take the manuscript with you." I sigh, holding the bridge of my nose. "Camila, if you ever wanna become editor or even a good writer  at some point in your life, you cannot allow books like these pass you and get to my desk, I do not have time to sit through the shit to get to the good ones, that's  why I hired you guys."

I see her face pale. Damn it, Rory, you did it again. Okay, okay! Dammit, I can do this. I take another breath.  I must have a soft side to me, a bit more pink and delicate...yes you do...Chad, Bash, Gabe, and 'Jah sure knows that side of you.

Then why do you find it hard to give anyone else that side?
Camila stoops down to pick up the manuscript and moves toward the door in a hurry.

"Look," I say stopping her in her tracks. She spins on her heel to make eye contact with me. The nervousness she's feeling obvious in her flushed face, and fingers silently drumming on the manuscript she is now hugging to her chest. "You have loads of potential kid. Don't mind me being bitchy, I'm a bitch." I shrug.

Her eyes widen in shock. This made me smirk.

"A big bossy bitch, unfeeling  for the most part, but I'm working on that." I smirk, "Now all I need you to do for me is help me keep that bitch out of the office, and get it right the first time, not the second time. You'd be surprised that I do smile."

Camila's shocked face melts into a nervous smile. Then she nods and waves awkwardly at before backing out of my office. As she closes it behind her, a  huge smile creeps up on my face. Aurora, you are a handful, girl.

I made her smile...I don't think I've done that since she's been working here. That's growth.


I'm about halfway done with this workday. It's five in the afternoon and I am trying to finish all the proposals and pitches for different ways to market historical fiction books. The market for them is small, but they have such potential these books.

I sigh. Leaning back in my chair, I close my eyes to catch a break. I have been going hard tryna catch up with work I've missed and work I've got to do, I need a minute.

'He loves you, Aurora.' My subconscious reminds me, and I squint my eyes as if that action would relieve me of the unwelcomed thought.

I don't need to think about that. I won't entertain it. Sebastian is wrong for this...why would he even cross that line? We've been family for so long... was he pretending, just so he could get close to me?

'Psshh, for thirteen years? Girl please!' My subconscious scoffs.

Yea, you're right. But it doesn't make his admissions any easier to swallow. I just can't understand it. Did I lead him on in any way? My mind goes back on memories we've shared, good times we've had, bad times we've had. I can't seem to find a moment where I or even he has passed his placed with me, or even lead me to believe he didnt view me as just a friend all these years.

Really Aurora?

An uncomfortable feeling takes hold of my stomach, and I sit up in response.

All those times he'd break down if I broke down...Fight for me, comfort me, be the first one to call or be there whenever something good or bad happened...

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